
Is it normal for a 13 year old boy to look at naked pictures on the computer?

by  |  earlier

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i found this under my sons history i do not know it is normal




  1. yes

  2. He's a horny teenager.

    Yes, it's normal.

  3. Unfortunately normal, but not really acceptable.  Approach him with, hey, I found this stuff on the computer, do you have any questions I could help you with?  It's so disgusting to women, but boys are curious, my step son used to get on the p**n all the time until I figured out how to block it, otherwise, tell him he can't use the computer anymore without supervision.  Believe me, I was mad and it was drawn out.  Letting them know you know is one way to make them accountable.

  4. im sorry are u not a man or somthing john?

    it is totally normal !!!!

    but you might want ot get him a magazien or a DVD becasue the web sites can cause you computer to get clogged up with viris  

  5. no, its not, beat him with a belt

  6. Yes, it's "normal". However, that doesn't mean it's acceptable. Some parents may be fine with it, others may not.

    If it's not something you want your child doing then there are software programs you can use to block those sites.  

  7. I dont have a son yet, but I know my brothers look at p**n on the internet one is 18 and the other is 14, and this has been going on for a couple years, and my husband said the first time he looked at p**n he was like 11 or 12, I think your son is normal

  8. I'm a girl- but I don't think it's degrading to women at all. They put themselves in that position, using their bodies instead of their minds.

    Of course it's normal for him to look at it- turn the blind eye. It's not causing any harm, he's just curious.

  9. No

  10. Sure it's normal.  When I was a kid boys stole their father's Penthouse and Playboy mags.  Now it's just easier for them to access.  The mags are cleaner though.

    You can block it to make sure he doesn't see anything that it completely far fetched to believe as reality or the norm.  The internet is full of sick pictures or sick people doing things to/with women.  If you want him to grow up respecting them, I'd block it and explain that women are not s*x objects and no self-respecting woman would do things like that.  

  11. Yes, yes it is.

  12. it is normal to have a curiosity, but you can set up a parental control on his comp because even if its normal, its not good to let him do it...he is so young and may be tempted to have s*x because of what he sees.

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