
Is it normal for a 13 year old boy to not have any pubic hair?

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Is it normal for a 13 year old boy to not have any pubic hair?




  1. yeep

  2. yes sirrrr.

  3. yeess. its normal, your probably wondering why girls are much taller than you too huh? well. girls hit puberty way before boys do.... dont worry, you'll soon grow pubes, and a beard, and a moustache! mwahaha! lol jk jk, but be prepaired.. i didnt think puberty was all that fun. lol

  4. yes

  5. Of course it is. Different people get it an different ages. It's just nature

  6. what kind of monster are you?

  7. yes. Boys hit puberty later than girls.

  8. yep. guys go through puberty later than girls. You will soon probably. my brother didnt till 14 and my other brother did at 10 so it really just depends.  

  9. you will get it soon,

    then armpit hair, then A MOIUSTACHE!!!!!!

  10. If it took you 13 years to grow it. Don't complain. <}:-})

  11. yea its totally normal guys start puberty later then girls and some hit early others dont until later on.

  12. yeah but u should get it pretty soon

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