
Is it normal for a 13 year old girl to cry...

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when ever she gets pissed off?

im talking about me i always cry when when im mad and cant do anything about it :( and im tired of doing that so is it normal/healthy?




  1. It's normal, even if it sucks. My anger and tear-ducts are, like, wired together too. One time this teacher yelled at me and I started crying. That sucked. Ha. But whatever, yes it is totally normal.

  2. i do sometimes and im turning 14  

  3. Yeah i do when i get really really mad i just start crying like crazy;...

  4. it is normal and if u don't like it just think of it this way at least u don't hit people or something like that and don't worry it will go away  

  5. that use to be me.

    but now i just yell my guts off and slam doors.

    i guess it's normal.  

  6. that is normal

  7. me too! i cry when i am mad, stressed, and overwhelmed

    i cant control it

    crying relielves stress so its ok

  8. OMG, I am totally like that and I'm nearly 13 so it must be normal! I think its to do with hormones etc!

  9. its completely normal, don't worry about it.

    being a teenager is the most emotional time

  10. very normal...

    i cry when i'm mad and i'm 20 years old!!

    you'll cry a lot though out ur teen years...but its normal

  11. its normal to cry and throw stuff especially when your pissed

  12. yes,

    it is normal.

    we are just having a ton of hormomes come in because our bodies are changing.

  13. fergie was wrong, big girls do cry.

    Hormones are evil evil things. Big girls cry more than little girls, at least i cry more than i used to when i was younger! U just get emotional a lot more often

  14. yeh its totally normal, its all emotions, i used to and still cry when i get really angry rather than screaming or throwing things allover when i feel that nothing can be done. So yes it is totally normal and it is also healthy for you to get your emotions out bcs keeping them bottled up never helps anything.

  15. It's normal.  I'm 23 going on 24 this year and I cry when I get pissed. I used to cry all the time.... but it's calmed down. I mean when I was a teenager, i cried when people found out that I wasn't sure about my religion. Nothing to cry about, but I boo hood my eyes out in school. lol. But now I have the tendacy to cry about a lot but I hold back now. Only when i'm extremely pissed do i cry. So it's norm.

  16. it's okay.

    i'm 17 and i cry when i'm really mad

    and i can't beat anybody's face up.


    it's true.

    crying realeses stress.

    if you don't cry when your mad.

    it can be bad for you later on in life.

    it can cause brain damage in your head.

    cry it out.

    it's okay.

  17. very very very very normal. around 12 i started being like that, Like i couldn't get mad without breaking down and i couldn't cry without getting mad. being a teenager is very confusing and with our hormones racing like nascar, we can't control it :/

    i hope i helped!

  18. It's normal to cry out of frustration, but breaking things can turn really nasty...especially if it hits someone or it doesn't belong to you. I think that it's time to seek out a youth worker who you can talk to about everything that is going on in your life.

  19. Ummm...I always do that but I have issues so I might not be the best example....I've heard of people doing this so I think it's normal. I have always been like that. I actually cried twice during school in the past few years it was really humiliating, but like you said you can't do anything. Strangely enough I've never seen someone else do that even though I've heard people say they have the same issue. It's not common but i don't think it means there's something wrong with you. Try to keep your emotions under control it sucks when they get out of hand :(

  20. I'm not the total mushy emotional type, but I just get really mad, and I need to vent to a friend. It's better to cry and let it all out than bottling it all up and never telling anyone. That cuts your temper shorter and shorter. Besides, you are starting off to your crazy teen years. That should be normal. But if you want to stop, try talking to your parents/grandparents or a relative. Be careful about spilling your secrets to a friend, especially if it is personal. If something happens at school, tell a favorite teacher or a counselor.  

  21. your tears a hardwired to your tear ducts as Stephenie Meyer puts it LOL

    and yes it's normal, it's almost like asking "is it normal for me to cry when i'm sad?"

    and I'd advise to wrap the breakable things in bubble wrap XD

  22. i found this question helpful cuz i am 13 too and i hate crying especially in front of people but i cant help it it just comes out and everybody is always like whats wrong?! but i HATE crying but it does help alot :))

  23. it is absolutly normal for female or male to cry when fed up and feel out of control, at this age they are haviong so many changes in the body with hormones running wild it makes your emotions all over the place and the slightest thing can set you off.

  24. well atleast you cry for a reason!

    i cry all the time and sometimes i'll be like "wtf! why am i crying!"

    actually my eyes are tearing up right now, and i have like no reason why! lol

    the fact that i cry so much makes me laugh, ironic huh?

  25. Don't worry. I tend to cry a bit too. I'm thirteen and my friends always call me a crybaby, but when someone insults me I would rather cry than swear at them or start a fight.

    That's just me. I don't know if I'll ever grow out of it.

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