
Is it normal for a 13 yr. old to have heavy periods?

by  |  earlier

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I'm a 13 year old girl. My periods are exctremely heavy. I started my period about a year ago, and they are perfectly regular, 28 days apart. But my period is heavier then anyone I know, even adults.. with kids! I will wear a super plus tampon, & an overnight pad, but I will still bleed through both of them within an hour or two. I know everyones period is different, but mine seems alittle extreme to me. & it's really hard to keep up with (especialy @ school). Should I be concerned about it? this a symptom of something? Does anyone else share my problem?




  1. I would talk to your mum then see either the clinic or your doctor, surely if you are losing that much it could make you anemic or lack iron. Its worth asking and no one will think you are waisting their time. Maybe your mum had the same problem and knows hoe to handle it?

  2. My period used to be that heavy when I was younger.  And when I was in Jr High School (back in the very early 90's) one girl had to change her super plus sized tampon twice an hour.  So I'd say yes, you are normal.  If it is a concern to you talk to your Mom about it, she may take you to see the gynecologist.  Sometimes they will prescribe birth control pills for you.

  3. hi, i hope i can be a little helpful here but i don't share your problem. If you can remember has your period always been this heavy? If it has then it is probably normal for you but very very inconvenient. If it has only been getting heavier over the past few months then there is probably something strange going on. I don't suffer from very heavy periods but i get a lot of pain and am on the strongest prescription painkillers available. I have read in places about people with very very heavy periods similar to yours. I don't think you should be too worried, but to see if there is something out there that could help i would go and pay a visit to your doctor. Chances are they have heard it before and wont be shocked. This is not a silly reason for going to the doctor so don't be scared. I hope you find something that can help you a little.

  4. Have you talked to your mother about this, or if she isn't available you need to talk to your dad.  You will need to go and see a Dr. You should not bleed that heavy during your period.

  5. I'm the same way!! Your not alone. I'm thirteen two and i had my period for a year. Mine aren't every 28 days though. Mine are super heavy. I use overnight pads and i change it every hour to two hours. But by the last day of my period it gets a little lighter and i use super maxi or maxi pads. Yeah i know i feel like i have an extremely heavy flow. Theres really nothing we can do. I just keep tons of pads in my purse. Thats all we can really do.

    Good Luck!!

  6. What about ur family history?  Does ANYONE on EITHER side of ur family have this problem?  It could be hereditary.  There are cousins of my daughter's on her father's side (AND their mother) who have REALLY bad cramps during their period, and I wonder myself if her periods will be like theirs, since I know things like this can sometimes be hereditary (she's only 7 now.)

  7. no i think you're fine i have that problem super plus tampon in a hour ikf your woried you should go tot the doctor  how about a menstruaal cup look it up !!

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