
Is it normal for a 14 yr old boy to still be holding his parents hands in public?

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i have a friend who i recently spotted out and about in town, he was holding hands in between his parents, arms swinging etc, i asked him about this later, he blushed and mumbled "leave it", is this normal or should i just mind my own business?




  1. if it's a normal thing that he likes, let him enjoy it. it's not like he's 41 years old holding hands with his parents. he still has that child like instinct because he's probably real close to his parents.

  2. There is no "age limit" to holding hands.  I'm 35 and sometimes I will hold my mom or dad's hand when we go out.  Same with my sister.  I live far away from them, and so when I see them I want to show my affection for them.  I think it is great that your friend is close enough with his parents to feel comfortable doing that.

  3. No it isnt normal but it's none of your business.

  4. It's fine. I'm 15 and I hold my dad's hand. I think it's because I don't want to let my parents go, you know? You get pretty close, then you drift apart. So yeah, it's perfectly normal if you aren't cocky or anything.

  5. yea!!!

    its normal.

    my friend is  21 and she still holds her  mom and dads hands in public!

    its totally normal.if u think its weird ,biuld a bridge and get over it!

    if he's ok with it, you should be a good friend and leave it alone.

    keep your comments to your self because they could jeprodize your friendship. He could also loose trust in you and not be as open to you as before because he might think that you think he's a baby.

    bottom Line:

    Leave it alone!!!

  6. That really isn't normal, but it might just be an emotional problem. Eh, you never know.

  7. You should definitely mind your own business. And no its not typical.  

    Don't ever judge or criticize someone for the relationship that they have with their parents.  They won't always be there, learn as much as you can from them and respect them while they are around.  

  8. very normal.. I may be a girl but i still do it and I'm 16. and it he isn't comfortable about it drop it. You probably wouldn't want someone questioning you about all your personal habits

  9. yeah that's not normal but yeah just drop it if i was you  i wouldn't have ask him bout that it would probably just embarrassed him

  10. Its normal i mean it's not a crime to love your parents, everybody has their gushy moments when they cant get enough of their parents.

  11. I'm 30 years old and I still hold my mothers hand from time to time when we are out. You really should not give him a hard time about it because the only time anyone cares is if you are insecure about it (usually like 12-20). I was the same way. Soon enough you will realize the only ones it bothers are the ones that shouldn't bother you

  12. HAHAH i was in the mall with my cousin and we spotted this guy whose in the same grade as us (highschool) and we saw him holding his moms hand while walking with some elderly women prefferably his aunts. And then when i went to church and randomly i saw him putting his arm around his arm while sitting. Well, he's a momas boy and he's not afraid of showing that, nothing wrong about it.

  13. i dont think it's normal lol i dont think it's normal to do that after you turn 10 but yes maybe u should mind you business cuz maybe he had a good reason for it  lol ~Kacey~

  14. Mind your own business! you obviously embarresed him already, do you really want to hurt his feelings? I would have loved it if my kids had held my hand at 14, but I respected their wishes and settled for a hug and good night kiss at home when noone else would see him.His parents obviously still want him to do this and he is complying trying not to hurt them.

    If this person is truly your friend you will not discuss it, and not ask them anymore

  15. omg, im a 14 year old girl and i think tht thts pretty cute, although if i was him i would be imbaressed. but i think its sweet tht hes still close with his parents, :D  leave it alone its really none of ur business.


  16. I think all families interact differently..

    Yes to me it would be alil weird..but i wouldn't think anything was wrong with it unless they had him on a kiddy

  17. I find this funny. I mean, I don't know any 14 year old boys who would do that, but I don't know if it's a bad thing. LOL, I wouldn't go talking to him about it. Think, if you were swinging in between your parents hands and someone saw you, wouldn't you be slightly embarrassed? I'm 14 and I know I would. So, no I don't think it's quite normal.

  18. No... it's not normal . but it can be that his parents are being over-protective...

  19. Leave it alone - maybe he was just playing around and actually likes his parents.

  20. No it's not normal by today's standards, but it's not your business so like he said, "leave it."

  21. Just mind your own business. It is probably not the norm, but he is not hurting anyone either. I am sure he will get flac from it at school anyhow, so why really push the issue when he already told you to leave it?

  22. Nothing wrong with family members loving one another.  Unless you suspect something improper is going on, leave it alone . . .

  23. well it's not normal if his parents like force him to hold their hands *that would be weird*

    but maybe he was enjoying the time he was spending with his family.

    If it interests you that much ask him, if it makes him uncomfortable that you saw him, just tell him that it's cool that him nd his family are so close......or something along those lines...

    hope i helped.


  24. no, it's not normal, my son is high functioning autistic and we din't do that when he was 14. We always encouraged normal bahavior, for his own sake.

  25. That is really cute.  Mind your own business lol. People are allowed to love their parents no matter how old..and we all express love in different ways, his being hand holding..although he seems embarassed.

    I still hold my parents' hands<3  lol

  26. I would suggest you just drop it.

    It's probably not something he does on a regular basis.

  27. hahahahahah!!... I mean, of course it's normal... HAHAHAHAHH!!!!!

  28. all people are different. maybe their family lost a child and that is the only child they have left and they want to embrace their kid. I think it depends on the situation. I would leave it alone because it could be because of a tragedy that they are that affectionate.

  29. well whats the definition of normal. is it what everyone else does, cause if u go by that definition the whole world is boring. so its not normal but its not a big deal either. its unique


  30. I don't think this is normal, but if it is something he does and he doesnt want to talk about it.. You should just leave him, he might not want to do it. But hes afraid that he will upset his parents by not doing it.

  31. Maybe he is just close to his parents, as a friend I would investigate a little further, but, he may be immature and still be clinging to the comfort a parent provides. I wouldn't make much of it!

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