
Is it normal for a 15 year old girl to be extra clingy to her mom?

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for the past couple of weeks my daughter has been overly hugging me.don't get me wrong I like it,because she is usually mean and grumpy like most teenagers are.but she is way too overly hugging me way too too much.I asked her what's up she says nothing just like hugging this normal?sometimes she squeezes me so hard I hurt all over.are there any moms that are going thru this?




  1. You should be grateful she's paying any attention to you. When I turned 13 I started hybernating in my room all the time. The only time I saw my mom was when I came out to eat and go to the bathroom. I still do that.

  2. Thats not normal. im 15 and i hate my mom haha.

  3. It's normal. Most girls want to be like their moms.  

  4. I say if this is out of the ordinary maybe the girls at school have been talking about things, she is worried about something, she is just going thru hormonal changes, she is trying to get on your good side, she is getting ready to drop a bomb on bad news? Could be a number of things. Just keep an eye out on her eating, sleeping, and other habits to make sure they are the same.

    Kids go thru all sorts of phases no matter their age.

    Do you know if anyone at school lost their parent? or talking about death a lot? Maybe she is scared.  

  5. yeah it's fine and also maybe if she did something bad?

    not saying she did at all.

    but im her age and i usually hug my dad if i did something...



    but maybe she just doesnt want to lose you.

  6. There could be something she wants to talk about.  Maybe not.  Just continue to welcome the hugs, and do what you're doing with the "Are you having a good day?" conversations. Keep yourself open.  If she has something she needs to talk about, she will.

  7. She may have realised that she is growing up, and you won't be there for ever. I went through that stage around 16. Maybe she has realised everything you have done for her. Who knows, but appreciate it while it lasts :)

    Help wih my 11 year old?;...

  8. Don't over think this, she just might be going through a change and just "likes hugging you" right now.   When she hugs too hard, tell her not to..easy.  

    Now, having said that....keep your eyes open to other differences!!   She might be distracting you.   Ck her grades, friends, computer - whatever, just watch and keep her safe.  Don't stalk her, just keep your eyes open and your gut instinct ready.

  9. I think it's totally normal, especially if you two are close and she is going through a rough time at school.

    I would curl up on the couch and chat with her: see what's going on. Maybe she is feeling insecure, or is having a fight with a friend. There may be lots of things that she wants to open up to you about.

    She may also be at the age where she has grown out of the 'touching mom is uncool' phase. Which is good!

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