
Is it normal for a 17 year old to act like a kid?

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MY friends tell me that at times I fool around too much and act like a kid basically. My friends and parents mock me that I'll never grow up :P. I guess it isn't my fault I feel energetic most of the time. Atleast it makes them this normal?




  1. ya my uncle is 30 and he still acts like a kid

  2. yes it's fine.  Don't be in any hurry to grow up!   It's not fun, and you'll always wish you could go back and be a kid again.  Trust me, I just turned 30 this year, and i wish I could go back!  i grew up way too soon!  But, I don't feel 30, so that makes a difference.  I'm young at heart and I hope I always will be and I don't give 2 s.h.i.t*s what anyone else thinks of me!

  3. I'll be 17 next week.

    I just recently bought a barbie out of boredom, I am constantly singing hannah montana songs, and cannot wait for high school musical 3.

    But I also have my license, a job, get good grades, have a boyfriend of a year and a half, am an officer of my school's drama club, and an editor of my large private school's yearbook.

    So I'd say yeah, its totally normal, as long as you're on track with everything else.

    My parents certainly don't mind

  4. Yes, I know plenty of people who were like that in highschool, many who are still the same. It's just who they are and we don't tell them to grow up.

    As long as you aren't being stupid (doing something that could hurt someone, or hurt their feelings) then don't worry about it. Be yourself.

  5. Look, the worst thing you could ever do is lose your inner child.  Granted, sometimes you need to be serious, but nobody should be serious all the time.

    The next time someone tells you to grow up, ask them...

    Isn't acting childish better than being a stereotypical, depressed, Goth teen that talks about suicide and death?

    Remind them that there are worse things in life than acting like a kid.  h**l, my husband and I still have 12 hour video game marathons, go to the drive-in to make out and dance through the grocery store aisles when we hear a cool song.  We have 4 kids and have been married for 8 years.  We try not to grow up all the way because old people are boring, and boring people are never happy.

    Do what you want kid.  Have fun.  

  6. yes everybody is a kid at heart

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