
Is it normal for a 3 1/2 year old boy?

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Is it normal for all young boys to pee during a spanking?

Has yours ever done this?




  1. hes scared, thats the only reason he does it is because he is scared. try something else like sticking him in the corner for a few minutes or taking away the toy he is playing with and if he is anything like my 3 year old he always has a toy in his hand.  

  2. if my son was so scared of me that he peed his pants I think I would have to step back and take a look at my style of discipline.

  3. no it's normal, potty trained children peeing themselves is a sign of trama. stop spanking him!!!!! try time outs. be consitant and your boy will behave without hitting.  it is not the only thing that will work. it just takes a little more patience than spanking. if he gets out of the time out calmly put him back. as many times as it takes. a min for every year old. you are tramatizing your child or he wouldnt be peeing himself. show love not violence and anger. i have a 7 year old. the only time he gets spanked is when he is doing something son was out of control. consistant time outs and some positive reinforcement worked. no child phsycologist will ever buy nothing else works on him. please try other techniques.

  4. apparently your spanking is so hard you spank the urine right out his p***s... LOL

    i don't think what your friends said will work... that will just make a puddle n the floor... LOL

  5. gee, I wonder if a kid is scared out their wits, or an adult for that matter whos about to get hit, that that may happen.  I would.

    Edit - If it works so well, why do you have to keep doing it?  Shouldnt that nip the problem.

  6. Just try talking to him.  This of course depends on his speech ability, as I have a 3 year old who can't speak well, whereas my daughter was saying full sentences, clear and loud by 1 year old.

    I agree though, I think the child is scared.  Try a different tactic, and I too agree with gotta do what you gotta do, no one knows your child better than you as a parent.

    We tried the whole spanking thing, time out thing...whatever...with both our children...doesn't work on either of them...

    with our son, we cut his bedroom door in half, and put a baby lock on the inside (and now the outside, because he is a little Evil Kanevil meets Houdini) we put him in his room and shut the bottom half of his door....he stays in there till he calms down.

    With our now 5 year old daughter, however, that didn't work...different tactics for different children.  With her we had to take away privlidges-such as television, going to the Y to go swimming, going to a party, to the park, ect.  Playing a video game...something like that.

    Hope this helps...he may also have an overactive bladder...where as you are spanking him, you are kinda knocking it out of when you have to pee and you jump on a trampoline....kinda that idea.

    You may want to take him to a urologist and see if that may be the case.  Sorry, I am not of much help.  

  7. I'm not buying this one.  I don't think this question is real.  No parent in their right mind would pull their child's pants down to spank them, and allow them to urinate on themselves.  This is humiliating for the child.  If on the rare possibility that this is true, you should be humiliated too.

  8. Why are you asking this AGAIN?

    A small child would be scared enough to not be able to hold his bladder.  No, you can't stop it. Are you going to spank him for having accidents too?   Get are a fraud and a troll.

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