
Is it normal for a 4 year old to be able to draw with both hands simultaniously making perfect mirror images?

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I observed my daughter doing this for the first time today and was amazed at the precision of her drawing. I'm just not sure if I should be delighted or concerned.

Intelligent answers only please. This is a serious question. Thank You!




  1. Not Normal but very good!

  2. I agree, it does not sound normal, but abnormal in a bad way.  You have an exceptional child.  I have never seen this before with anyone!

    You have an exceptional child, Mom . . . enjoy!

  3. some say it's a blessing.your daughter may become a wonderful artist one day.i would consider it special...

  4. it seems to me that you have a very intelligent daughter. i do not think you should be concerned. I think you should encourage her to continue her interests in drawing. Mabye you could enroll her in a drawing class. This is definitely something to proud of.

  5. If your worried about autism then talk to the Dr and have her tested!!!

    As for the drawing with both hands that's just cool! I would have her tested to see if she is gifted!

    I'm going to recommend a book for you to read if you can! It's called How Kids Learn by John Holt. It's really been an eye opener to me as to how there little brains process so much!

  6. I am ambidexterous thats probably what your daughter has its nothing to worry about i was a A student my whole life all it means is you can write with both hands perfectly

  7. I am delighted and you should also be delighted although

    NOT normal I think as it is not normal for such a young child to be like that.


    Your child is gifted.

  8. i think thats wonderful. i thinkshes gifted, if ur concerned, tell her doctor about this and have her take an IQ test maybe. i hope its not autism. its probably not tho. boy are 4 times more likely 2 have autism than girls so she probably doesnt but still. it is possible. good luck. -snicks

    (if its not that shes gifted or had autism, either way, thats  a very unique talent!)

  9. i think it's normal...because i did something like that when i was like 31/2 years old... as long as it is not that beautiful like that of the professionals.

  10. This is not normal. But in a very good way.

  11. I think there are probably experts in that would be able to answer this. Children do amazing things and are talented in so many different ways. If you continue to be concerned you might check with your M.D. or school counselor as to where to find answers.

  12. Greetings!  It could be possible that your child is trying out different ways to draw.  Children at this age are highly experimental.

    As for Autism, there are many criterion that have to be met in order for this diagnosis to be given.

    How does she play with other people?  Is she trusting with other children and adults?  If your concerns are that strong, you could always call your pediatrician and explain to him or her what kind of behavioral patterns your child is exhibiting.

    If what you are observing is the only factor that alarms you, then I would say she is fine, but your best bet is to have a chat with your pediatrician.

    Hope that helps. Take care.

  13. she is probably just ambidextrous and really talented you should be prooud and encourage her to do more artistic things.

  14. your son/daughter  has a gift  , some kids in middle school can't do that I'll be proud if i was u

  15. she might be artistically gifted

    but some signs of autism are:

    has one toy or object she has to have in her posession all the time

    makes noises instead of talking

    blank staring

    wont look at you when you talk to her

    seems as if shes in another world

    wants to be alone all or most of the time

    has learning problems

    has crying fits or major temper tantrums lying on the floor screaming, kicking, biting

    slurred or stuttered speech

    and yes looks at stuff and mimicks it perfectly

    says you are stupid

    i hate you is a big one for autistic kids but might not start that young

    like my stepson can watch someone play the piano and can do it exactly the same as he sees it but cant read a note of music and he is autistic

  16. Doesn't sound normal to me, but it sure doesn't sound like anything bad, but more like she's incredibly gifted. Autism would be more of a communication problem like if she didn't look at you when she speaks or doesn't converse with you, that sort of thing. I would be delighted.

  17. why would u be concerned sounds cool maybe u can sell her to the circus (joke)

  18. it is not a sign of autism - I have had students do this before and it always amazed me as well. Eventually, they decide which hand will be dominant and things will be back to normal.  Or, she could use both hands the rest of her life - some kids do!  don't automatically jump to the worst conclusion - she'll choose her dominant hand soon enough.

  19. It is possible that she is ambidextrous.  Anyway, nothing to worry about.  She has good coordination.

  20. I'd be delighted.  That's extraordinary for a four year old.

    Aw, heck, I have sixth graders who can't do that.

  21. have her take an iq test she may be gifted

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