
Is it normal for a 7 year old boy to play with himself?

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Is it normal for a 7 year old boy to play with himself?




  1. yeah just teach him not to doit in public. then it might be kinda werid

  2. God yes..... i was going to town by then....

  3. My 1 and 1/2 year old brother already plays with himself.

  4. Yes, it's pretty normal, for if he accidently stimulated himself and found it felt good so he's doing it to get that feeling. He doesn't know what it is, but tell him that he can only do it when in the privacy of his own home or room. Hope this helps.

  5. my son is 5 and at 4 he used to constantly want to pull his pants down and mess around with it and he even tried to l**k it a couple times

  6. Normal??? heck yes.

    Should be done in private, though.

  7. Honestly, boys learn that it is pretty much their handle from the time they are infants and the desire to hold onto it never really goes away. My little boys have both been grabbers since they discovered it was there, and they still are constantly touching it without even really thinking of it. I mean my husband has the habit to sit around just holding it, so I think it is just a habit that a lot of guys have, and I wouldn't say there is anything wrong with it unless they are doing it in public.

  8. yeah , he is like any kid . but xplain to him that its indecent to play pocket billiards in public.

  9. Yes, it starts when they're a baby, and doesn't end til they get arthritis.

  10. Yes its completely normal. The only thing is they do not always realize its a personal thing so sometimes they do it in the open.

    If thats the case just tell him to do it in his room in private. Its normal for kids to explore their bodies this way so dont be concerned about it. Even babies do it.

  11. It's normal for a newborn to play with himself.  Humans are sexual from conception - even a male fetus can have spontaneous erections.  It's built in, especially for boys.  Just let him know it's okay, but it's something to do in private.

  12. its fine just make sure he knows its not a public thing to do and if he can stop good for him.

  13. Yes, all he's doing is experimenting with himself, and seeing what he has and what to do with it, I wouldn't really worry, but you could lovingly ask him, if he has any ?'s about his body, that you could answer him   about!Just trying to learn about his body.I had 3 boys, its normal!Just if he doesn't have any ?'s now, he may later on, so just assure him you're there if he wants to talk.

  14. 7? young but yes normal

  15. around now, he's probably just learning that "it feels good" and he likes that, he doesnt understand thats sexual stimulation, matter fact my aunt told my cousin if he played with it it was gonna fall off, and he's the prime example of the 40 yr old virgin so dont scare him! just tell him not to do it and hope he listens

  16. Like Masturbation??

    Yeah, it's normal.

  17. Perfectly just need to teach him that he shouldn't do it in public.  Children need to know that it isn't bad to touch themselves.

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