I got three tree frogs on Friday. At first they were moving around a little bit, the next morning i woke up to find them in certain spots in the cage and they didn't move from those spots since this morning. (Sunday). I woke up at 5 am and checked on them. they were in the same spot, so they must have moved from 5 am to when I woke up around 10.
So one particular frog was in the same spot for over 24 hours.
Last night I put in about 15 crickets and some are missing, but there are significant amounts left.
I have a lamp with a 15 watt night bulb in it (what the pet store recommended)
Moist wood chips and moss as substrate
and lots of space in my 20 gallon tank to get up high.
Humitity stays between 35 and 70% depending on day or night and whether we have just misted the cage.
I'm just wondering if it's normal for the frogs to be that stationary because they're not moving around alot.
I also was wondering if I should just leave the crickets in the cage until they are eaten