
Is it normal for a betta to start losing scales when .....?

by  |  earlier

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My betta has had dropsy/ septicemia for 3 days or so and i've started him on Maracyn 2 . The septicemia is starting to look better ,and his scales are still like a pinecone , though not as bad as it first was . Though he is starting to kinda shed his scales and they are coming off. Is this normal when a betta has dropsy ?

Thank you very much :)




  1. When a fish loses its scales because of an incident like this, they will lose their scales and grow a new set.  Just like when you go to the beach and get a sun burn and your skin starts to peel later, same thing.   :-)

  2. This is normal. Shedding, as many before me have said, means they are getting a new set. Good luck in treating your fish! Hope everything goes well!

  3. yes. bettas will lose their scales because they're getting a new set.

  4. i don't know the answer to your quesiton, but i hope you're betta is getting better Annafur.

  5. Shedding does NOT mean they are getting a new set, but that the pressure from the internal fluid is basically popping them off.  Until the swelling goes down, your Betta's chances aren't great.  I would start treating with something stronger than Maracyn 2 (minocycline), like Terramycin (you may need to contact a vet for this) or Kanaplex (or other kanamycin meds).  These have a much better chance of being effective.  I would also start adding 1/4 teaspoon of epsom salt per 10 gallons of water, as this may help to draw some fluid from the abdomen.

  6. yeh its normal for bettas to shed there scales. that means they are getting a new set!

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