
Is it normal for a child to be extremely emotional while taking Concerta?

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My son is Five and just started taking Concerta a week ago. In the last 3 or 4 days he has me very weepy, and he will start crying hystarically over trivial things. I understand that nothing is trivial to a child, but these are things that he seems to blow out of proportion. Other than the appetite deal this is the only side effect that we have seen. The med. is working wonders on his concentration and behavior, but I don't like him getting so upset. Is this something that will pass eventually?




  1. Absolutely. I agree with Steven K as well.

  2. This is very common, especially as the medicine is wearing off.  It usually gets better, though it may not go away completely and in a few kids it stays bad enough to need to consider changing meds.

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