
Is it normal for a cockatiel to have seizures?

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Mine has had 3 that I know about and is 8 years old. seems fine otherwise. one was when he had his wings clipped, another when he got his wing caught on the cage and began bleeding and the other was random..




  1. When stressed, some cockatiels are prone to "episodes".   During these events, birds can become semi-catatonic - similar to a seizure. The episodes appear to be anxiety attacks, or a mild form of shock.

    I have one male cockatiel who has such episodes infrequently and has for many years.  He is otherwise healthy, and it has not affected his life span - he's almost 16 years old.

    While these episodes are known to be common with cockatiels, you may want to consider a vet exam to rule out the possibility of underlying disease.

    Best of luck to you!

  2. no it is not normall for a cockatoo to have seizures!!!!! take him to a vet as soon as possible if he has seizures then most likely there is something wrong with him!

  3. This could have been an episode of shock rather than seizure, Many toys maybe toxic, as well as certain foods.  Talk to a qualified professional, your veterinarian.  It cost some money, but if you love your pet it is more than likely it while be worth it to help your little friend.   I hope you find your answer.

  4. Get your bird to the vet, no, that's not normal.

  5. Take it to the vet asap, they can easily die from these and most people tend to put them out of their misery if they are prone to having them all the time.

  6. for the wing.. maybe the bird got scared-- my bird gets scared and she will flap her wings like crazy or if im not paying attention to her and she wants out of the cage thne she will flap her wings like crazy.

    you should take your pet to the vet to figure out why hes having siezures but it could be just shock or being scared

  7. You need to take it to the vet to see if the wing in triggering a seizure.  That's really all you can do.  Hope I helped!

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