
Is it normal for a dentists to become upset at there patient?

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my dentist really got mad at me yesterday while performing a filling my gum started wouldnt stop...the dentist became very upset and frustrated....i almost got up left....the dentist even said after the operation of was finished that he almost gave up on me...even doing the operation the dentist try to make me feel ashamed and embarress of the situation....what kind of doctor does that to there patient....srry to rant....




  1. i have had my dentist take a strict tone with me to make a point, like "you need to make sure you floss" or "you need to cut back on the coffee. it is staining your teeth". that aside, getting that upset with you was a little harsh. though i do understand his frustration, not being able to do his job to help you.

    I do know of a friend who prior to a dental operation was told by the dentist to use a water pic everyday to make sure her gums would not excessively bleed during the operation. if your dentist asked you to take preventative measures and you didn't, i could see getting frustrated.

  2. No doctor should ever make a patient feel ashamed or embarrassed. If he couldn't do it he should have stopped and referred you to another doctor who could do the job (besides not charging you for what he failed to finish). You definately need to find another dentist!

  3. Yep change dentist! That man sounds horrible. I hope he gets toothache real bad soon and gets a dentist just like him to pull his teeth out.

  4. Hey my friend RANT and Rave all you want...there are all kinds of professionals who fail to act like one...A dentist who acts in the manner you describe has a Strong "Be Perfect" expectation of himself or herself and when it gets challenged they tend to get lets just say, "public with their reaction to things not going their way"....The reality is that displaying such an attitude, especially in front of a patient, is non-professional and strictly uncalled for.....I would have a personal problem with going back to that dentist for further dental treatments, if I were in your place. Your right in thinking that he or she attempted to transfer the fault towards you. Those kinds of personalities seem to always blame their problem or failures on the patient....Being frustrated can be an open demonstration on the part of the professional but it's quickly tempered with an open showing of confidence that your in no danger and the situation is under control and it's not your fault.....That's how a "real" professional reacts. Good luck and I wish you well.

  5. If you have known this dentist for a long he like this often ?       First of all,  he is a professional,  and he should try to never make a patient feel badly.    Maybe he was having a bad day ?     Maybe something else was bugging him and he took it out on you ?      Maybe he is always like this ?

    If he is normally a very nice,  professional doctor,  keep in mind dentists are human too,  and they have bad days when the slightest thing can annoy them,   just like the bad days we have.      Trying to do a filling on a tooth that won't stop bleeding is like trying to fix your hair in a windstorm,   it's quite frustrating and won't work well.    

    However,  if this is simply the usual manners and attitude of this dentist,   I would look for a more pleasant,  patient,  dentist in the future.    You do not go to a dentist to be demeaned or made to feel bad.

    If he's usually nice,  and you like him........stay

    If he's usually rude,    my advice is go..........

  6. A nasty one. I think that you should switch to another dentist, cause you should not have to feel embarrassed or ashamed.And I'm pretty sure you was not his first patient to have their gums bleed during an operation, and you wont be the last. Find another dentist.

  7. An unhappy dentist that has been in too many mouths too many times for too long and is not happy in his work is the first idea that comes to mind.

    Not very professional of him.

    Time to change dentists, I'd say.

  8. This is abnormal and unprofessional. The dentist may be emotionally imbalanced, which is dangerous for you since he/she is using sharp instruments around you. You should change dentists.

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