
Is it normal for a dog to get nervous and begin to whine when a baby cries? She won't stop until I get baby.?

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my dog is very loving and very protective of my other children..this is my 4th baby so I know better than to leave the baby alone with the dog I just wanted to know if this has happend to anyone else. It does not bother me at all that she whines. I just want to make sure she's okay. I don't think she's being possesive. I think she worries why my son is crying.




  1. It sounds like your dog is a very caring mommy's helper who is very concerned that this baby of yours gets all your attention, as soon as he needs it. Count your blessings, and follow the instructions of your dog. Her mommy instinct is telling her that this baby needs to be attended to as soon he cries. Follow her lead, even when it's hard. He might be a more needy baby then your other kids were, and your dog senses his distress, and so she whines, because she knows that she'll get a response from you quicker then the baby will, since we all tend to "let the kids cry it out" for a few minutes longer.

  2. Well dogs have a much better sense than humans. I mean, I remember my friend's dog would bark and attack anyone or any other pet that touched her stomach and we wondered why..then she found out she was pregnant. Dogs can sense theses things, which is why they're so loyal and great companions. It's possible that the dog is just doing it to alert you that something is wrong. Eventually it will stop, or if it bothers you that much, you could attempt to train your dog to not whine when your baby does...but most likely it's to get your attention, especially if you're in a different room of the house and the dog can get way louder than a child so you'll hear it better and know to come check it out..

  3. i would be very careful.. dogs tend to take babies in like its their child, the dog is being possesive, not good.. i'm not sure how to go about make the dog realize that the baby is not dog used to do the same thing..i would not let him lay anywhere near the bassinet or go in the babys that my son is 6 months old he is very interested in the dog and if i try to let my son pet him then the dog is a little weary of getting to close to the baby, the dog knows that the baby is precious and he will get yelled at..just be careful

  4. Yes, it is normal--your dog obviously loves you, and loves your baby because she knows YOU love the baby.  As your child grows, the dog will become it's companion and playmate...

    What you can do now is to foster that bond, but keep watch over the dog when it is around the the time baby is a few months old, he/she might reach out to touch the dog and scare it or hurt it, causing the dog to bite.

    Also, dogs corral puppies by clamping down on their necks, so you never want to leave the baby alone with the dog once the baby is more mobile...I've seen cases where a dog has clamped down on a baby's neck, and as the baby has struggled to get away, the dog has clamped down harder, causing injury.

    The dog doesn't realize the baby is getting hurt; the dog thinks  the baby is "misbehaving" by wiggling...

    Sorry for such a long answer, but you do need to know this info.

  5. that is sooooo cute. i wish my doggy was like that but being a boy doggy he wouldn't have the instincts a girl one would have. a lot of dogs are put out when the baby comes home so to be protective of the new baby your dog is really one to keep.

    some dogs just seem to have that protective streak, like a labrador.

    your doggy is fine and normal - the baby and the doggy will probably have a great time together as the years go by.

  6. She's probably trying to stick out for the baby. Maybe she thinks it's her baby, or thinks she knows what the baby wants. Or she's not used to it.

  7. My cat does the same thing. I think it's pretty normal. It means that the dog loves you and the baby. I mean, that's what we say about Tigger when she gets like that with the baby. Just keep an eye on your dog and make sure that she doesn't like sit on the baby or anything. Our cat thinks it's okay to sit on the baby's lap since she can sit on our laps.

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