
Is it normal for a girl to have wet dreams/o****m during sleep?

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I'm seventeen years old and around once a month if not more often, I have dreams where I am either having s*x or touching myself. When I wake up.. well, you get the point. Is this normal, or am I crazy? As a side note: I'm a virgin.




  1. Totally normal.

  2. completely normal. I'm 23 and I still have those dreams quite regularly. Enjoy it. Many women aren't so lucky. If it bothers you so much that you are getting aroused in your sleep why not try it while your awake. Contrary to what our society teaches women masturbation is not a bad/dirty thing. It is a wonderful freeing experience. Think of it as practice for the real thing. Once you know what you like you can let your future partner/husband know and then you will both be extremely happy

  3. Yes, this is very normal.

  4. It's SATAN!! Ask God for protection so that you do not give away your goodies before marriage!!

  5. It's normal... although it's not all that common in women or long-postpubertal men.

    The real question is, "is it ok for me to have them?"... and the answer is yes.

    You can't do anything about what's happening in your dreams anyhow - you're unconscious at the time - but masturbating to o****m more frequently than you already do might make them less likely.   That's how it works for adolescent boys.    :-)

  6. yeah its completley normal. believe me..youll learn to love them

  7. This is totally normal for either boys or girls. It also probably means that you're very "responsive", which will be a great thing for you and your guy when you're ready for s*x! Until then, don't worry about the dreams, they're not a problem at all. Good luck!

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