
Is it normal for a guppy to shed its skin?

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My female guppy is pregnant and has a small case of ich which i am going to treat today but she's shedding her skin and her scales are like rising on her body




  1. Fish don't shed.  It sounds like a case of dropsy, if her scales are protruding from her body and looks like a pinecone when you look at her from above.

    Dropsy is very very serious and difficult, if not impossible to treat.


    I've never successfully treated a fish for dropsy. I now just euthanize at the first sign of it to keep the fish from suffering. I use a fish anesthetic called MS-222 and o.d. the fish.

    There are some antibiotic remedies like Maracyn that claim to treat for dropsy, but all of the fish experts that I've read, say the same thing - it can't be cured.  The internal organs start swelling with fluid, which is what causes the scales to pinecone out.  The damage is irreparable by the time it because visible on the outside.

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