
Is it normal for a guy to do this and why he would do it?

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My ex b/f doesn't stop pursuie me for 4 years.We have been a relationship 4 years ago for about 3 months.I dupmed him but he didnt stop to get in touch with me all those time.After 3 years I agreed to give him a second chance and soon after he proposed.But some months later he broked up the engagement and we broke up.But he continued to pursue me,calling me,emailing me,texting me asking me to stay friends,go to cinema,have a cofee.And all that while he was in a relationship with someone else.I was with another guy too.I didnt meet him during that time.Eventually before cristmas I have told him to go away from my life and to stop pursue me and he promised he will stop.But soon after new year came back again and confessed he love me so much and realised i am his future.I have told him to break up with the other girl and then we could talk about us.And he did.I am wondering what could makes him pursue me so long time.Any suggestions?




  1. send him a get well card.

  2. He is attracted to your intelligence.

  3. Umm..

    A)He does really love you and finally slipped on the bathroom tub, hit his head and realized it that very moment.

    B)Or… he is an insane bipolar disorder hypocrite who doesn’t have a clue of what he wants in life and can pretty much do the same to you again and again and by saying that, you haven’t learned your lesson than there is no one crazier than you….

    People are crazy… they do crazy stuff but around 98 percent of the time, there are reasons to that as well.. (the other 2 percent are plain insane)… If you really like this guy and believe him then work on your relationship.. if this is not worth it… and he has done this one to many times… chances are that he’ll do it again…  and this time he’ll do it to you to get back with the recent ex girl friend he dumped (for you)… think about it.

    I'm sure honey.. you are way better than this guy... so you can pretty well do better than him. :) oh and you are already in a relationship.. dont finish it off for this guy.. dont...

    good luck!

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