
Is it normal for a kitten not to want to be held?

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She wants to be near us, She will sit with us, and play with us, and wants us to pet her, especially when she's eating. When we try to hold her though she fights and jumps down. I just find it odd that she doesn't like to be held. She is not very affectionate at all.




  1. Yes, kittens are too full of energy and usually want to play so they don't like being held.  Maybe once your kitten grows up and mellows out and becomes lazier, she'll like to cuddle.  But some cats just aren't cuddlers and don't like to be held.

  2. I have found that most kittens go through a stage like that.  I do not like it either.  I miss the part when they want to be affectionate at the same time as me.  But rest assured, it will pass.  It is like having a teenager - they can't wait to be out of the house but they always come back....  lol!!!!

  3. you usually have to break them of it.  My one cat didn't like it too much, but he overcame it.  My other cat hated being held when she was a kitten and though she's better now, she still hates it.  Actually, the one that still hates to be held acts a lot like your cat.  She's affectionate, she comes and plays with me, she wants me to pet her, she sleeps next to me, but if I go to hold her she cries and freaks out.

  4. My kitten is like that too. She loves to be around me and wants to be petted, but when i pick her up she wants to get off. She's still a very sweet cat :)

  5. Cats are very independent creatures - they like doing what they want when they want, and you picking a cat up means that you are imposing your will on it, and not the other way around - that definitely goes against the grain for some cats, although others will tolerate it.

    Some cats also associate being picked up with having nasty things done to them - worming  or other medication, having claws cut, going to the vet etc and if this is the case it will take patience on your part to try and break this association, but without upsetting her in the meantime - a fine balancing act!

    In the meantime, be thankful that she is as affectionate as she is, and isn't running away and hiding all the time!

    Good luck with her.

  6. Cats don't like to be touched unless they want you too, My cats are the same way, they bug you when you dont want them too, and when you want them they jump away =]

  7. Well, you describe an affectionate kitten, so I wouldn't say she isn't affectionate. It may take some time before she wants to be held. All kittens and cats are different, so give her some time.  

  8. Cats usually aren't  affectionate. They like to do what they want when they want. That's just their nature. Gotta' love em' the way they are. We took in a stray and she is the same. I prefer dogs all the way.  

  9. my cats are the same, its just some cats dont like to be held.... so i guess it is normal, just depends on the cat really :)

  10. I think that is pretty normal for a young kitten. They have too much energy and want to explore and play.  As she gets a little older, she will settle down.  Try holding and petting her when she is super tired.  She will probably cuddle then.  Just be patient and she will settle down and come around.

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