
Is it normal for a kitten to meow in her sleep?

by  |  earlier

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she seems totally fine and her paws twitch a little while shes sleeping too




  1. it is just a dream. my cat does it a lot and it means they are dreaming of another cat. or meeting one. they might not outgrow it but it will get quiter as they mature.

  2. aw how sweet. sounds like she is running and talking in her sleep. my cat also drinks by sticking her tongue out and eating by just opening and closing her mouth. I'm glad someone Else's cat does it. lol x

  3. My older cat would meow in his sleep, but we then found out that he was in pain from his teeth. Since then he has had some teeth removed, and he doesn't meow while asleep anymore.

    So, it could either be that your kitten has a medical issue, or he is having a bad/good dream. I'm sure he is probably just fine though! ;)

  4. it probably is normal for a kitten to meow in her sleep but you mite want to take it to the vet just in case

  5. Well, my husband snores in his sleep, I talk and a dog I used to have growled and barked in hers, so why shouldn't a kitten meow? Probably just dreaming, especially as you say her paws twitch too.

  6. My cat always does that because he is dreaming. some times he even growls or hisses when he has a nightmare. Don't disturb you cat, it is normal.

  7. my dog does the same thing! they are basically dreaming about something interesting so they twitch their paws like they are running, and meow/whimper if they are chasing something. she is perfectly fine, so you don't have to worry about it.

  8. You should check if your cat has flees, just put him on a cloth with a light color and brush out his fur, then spray the cloth with water if there are red spots he has flees. He might not sleep well because of that or maybe it's just a dream.

    My cat used to have flees and that's what happened.

  9. Just as normal as it is for us to talk in our sleep

  10. yes, it is

    it just means that its having a very realistic dream.

    both of my cats do this.

  11. Animals dream :)  So, yes.  Must have been some dream!

  12. I have never had a cat that did this.  I have seen animals dreaming of running and their paws move a little.  Does your cat seem healthy overall?  I would say nothing to worry about and kinda cute!


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