
Is it normal for a kitten to snore??

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Is it normal for a kitten to snore??




  1. My kitten never did that

    my kitten farts


  2. yes my 6 week old kitten snores so loud you can hear her all the way to INDIA! lol. if you don't feel sure that it is ok that your kitten snores then have her/him checked out by the vet and they will definitly help!

    Hope this helped!if not GOOD LUCK! ^.^

  3. LOL!!!! My daddy had a cat that snored, and I would have to move her off my bed when I slept at my dads.

    I now have a cat a male that snores, I dont mind so much!!!

  4. I'm not sure I'm sure it dog snores and i've heard an occasional snore from my i think its fine :)

    i hope this helped

  5. yea my cat snores!lol

  6. Yes, my Siamese did, and still does.

  7. Yer I think so, it's just like us. I think it depends on the possition they sleep in. My cat usaly snores when she roles over on her back. I think it's kinda cute. Infact my cat was snoring last night. Hope this helps.

  8. yea my cats did and do it's just the way they breathe while they sleep like us

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