
Is it normal for a male kitten to pick fights with females?

by  |  earlier

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i have two kittens - well they are RAPIDLY becoming cats...they are from the same littler..male and female. He is HUGE - clearly the "alpha" from the litter and i am pretty sure she is the runt. He picks on her a the point where she hisses, folds her ears back, etc....he is pretty intimidating to her. Sometimes, she even tried to hide from him. They are BOTH fixed already. Is this "normal" or should i be concerned?????




  1. He is just showing his authority over her.  She seems to be able to tell him that she is not happy with his behaviour, ie hissing. As long as they are both declawed and fixed there will never be any real damage done.

    But on a side note; if she continues to show that she is becoming scared of him you may want to consider choosing a floor or a room that can be designated "just hers" and don't let him go in there. You need to establish a place where she can feel safe and get away from her brother.  

    In general, monitor the aggression between them and if he gets too hostile towards her it may not work out at all. If they pass in the hall and he goes at just means they need to be separated, temporarily or permanently at your discretion.

  2. Yeah, they're cats, that's what cats do.

  3. It is because he is trying to show he is the dominate cat over the female.It is something that is normal for the animal kingdom they have to have a chain of authority or they don't have a life it is a natural instinct in them.But to help get a water bottle and spray the male every time he gets to the point of making her hiss.My mother breed cats and that was how she control her over rambunctious male. good luck

  4. are they declawed?  he will assert his authority but get him declawed and leave her claws in...if he is way bigger you may have to get a cage for him a while till she gets bigger..thats what i had to do and now she beats the foshizzle out of him!

  5. Yes it is perfectly normal

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