
Is it normal for a mother to be very nervous about her child starting pre-school?

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I am supposed to enroll my child tomorrow but I am having second thoughts because I am so nervous I don't know what to do. I am worried about a lot of little things....... I need help





  1. I don't have much help, but, I wanted you to know that when I think of sending my son to preschool, I start crying!LOL.  I can hardly stand the thought of it, yet, I know that in a year, it will be what is best for him.  Just wanted to let you know that you are not alone!

  2. Just do it. Your kid needs to be around other kids his/her age so they can learn how to socialize and learn other things as well! If you coddle them too much they arent going to want to go to school at all when the time comes.

  3. Yes, Its normal to be nervous this is is the first time your letting your baby go. I know I was, especially if they are crying but like the lady told me "go he will be fine" and sure enough he kinda liked going. Some days he would cry some days he wouldn't I used to bribe him  by telling him we would get a slurpee if he didn't cry. That usually worked. It will be hard for the both of you but you two will adjust. And it will help him with kindergarten.  

  4. Preschool is a good thing but yes it is normal to be nervous especially if you have been a stay at home mom this whole time.  Your baby is growing up which is hard to accept sometimes.  My oldest son is off to kindergarten in 2 wks but he was in preschool for 2 years.  My younger son is going back to preschool in Sept for his 2nd year and it doesn't get any easier but it is something that is a great experience for them.  It really helps them prepare for kindergarten.  

  5. Yes! I am nervous and I still have 1yr to go! My son turned 4 on July 9th...I am not putting my son into pre-school...he will start kindergarten next year and I am so nervous! I think I will be a nervous wreck and cry when he goes :(

  6. Totally normal. AND you'll cry when you drop your child off too. I know I did. When I dropped off both my kids. You can always ask to stay and observe for the first day to put some of your worries to rest. Make sure you ask all your question and get them answered before you leave your child in their care. IF you don't feel comfortable with the answers then you will need to decide if this is the right place that you would like to leave your child.  

    Remember that its totally normal for a child to cry and cling to you when you drop them off. Reassure then they will have a great time and assist them in finding something that is fun to play with and help with introducing them to other children should help. Oh and bring a family picture for them to keep in their cubby so that they can look at it when ever they feel lonely.

    Good luck      

  7. Yes I was nervous.  But they love it, and enjoy every minute of it.  So I think it is great for them, and they have met friends there.  Enroll her, it will be good for her, and after she has started your nerves will go away!!

  8. It is very normal. It will be harder for you than your child. When you enroll you child tomorrow ask them some questions about what is making you nervous. They will be happy to answer them and help with whatever they can. You can also be as involved with the pre-school as much as you want.

  9. Very normal. I think I cried more than my son the first few weeks. But I never let him see me. That would have only made it worse for him. But I'd get in the car and drive away and call my husband crying. But my son survived and made great friends. And now we're going to kindergarten this year and I'm feeling it all over again. But they do great. And you will too. I think it's a mom's job to feel that way. Because we're used to protecting them. But you will both do fine. Just remember that.  

  10. Yes! My son will be starting soon and I am so nervous, but I just keep telling my self that everything will be ok and it is the best thing for him.  

  11. what you are feeling i completly normal, i dont even lie to leave my kids with their grandparents.

  12. Normal?  Yes.  Arrange for an appointment with the preschool director/teacher and go visit without your child.  This way you can address your concerns without the child picking up on your fears.  Once your child act actually goes to school, establish a open, honest relationship with your child's teacher.

    I am a preschool teacher and I appreciate the parent's who are upfront about their concerns. Parent and teacher are on the same team!

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