
Is it normal for a mum to shower with her daughter?

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my wife loves to shower with my 9 years old daughter, is it normal for girls?

Please answer.




  1. i think its fine but its not right if she is touching her mom in a bad way. but is totally fine if the Little girl not ready give it up.

  2. no it's not normal to shower with a child that age. a baby is fine but i would stop at the age of 3. after that the kid needs to learn to wash their self.

  3. It is NOT weird! 9 is still young enough to do that! And any way, what does it matter if they're both girls? They have the same stuff and it's not like mom hasn't seen them naked before any way. It's perfectly okay.

  4. if i was the 9 year old i would be a little freaked out, srry. i dont know about anyone else but thats not normal 4 me!

  5. its normal. i showered and took baths with my aunt till i was 11, i was comfortable and she was too, that's how i grew up to not be ashamed of my body. Talk to your daughter, if it doesnt bother her then there is no problem. i doubt your wife is abusing her. its just fun to shower with friends, siblings, aunts moms. be glad your wife and daughter have a good relationship, most little girls hate their moms.

  6. She's a little old to be showering with her mom. Maybe they are just trying to conserve water?????

  7. It is normal (though I would not) until the mother or the daughter is no longer comfortable with that situation.  If you make it an issue, it becomes an issue.  

  8. I have never heard of a mother showering with a kid over about 3 or 4.  If it works for them, they both like it and neither think it's uncomfortable then I think it's ok for now.  I would say it would probably be a good idea for them to stop by the time she's 11 or 12 tho.  Just because at some point your daughters friends are going to find out she showers with her mom and then they will tease her mercilessly forever!  

  9. I did once or twice when I was little. Probably younger than 9 though. maybe 9 is a little old for that kinda stuff...  

  10. its ok but talk to her dont make an issue just tell her ''hon can you stop this please or she will get used to it'' its her mom after all and 9 is still befor puperty

  11. Yes, it is normal for a mum to shower with her daughter. Nothing wrong, it is one of the ways to show mother loves. To me, a mum is teaching her 9 years old daughter how to shower by herself in future.

    There is a same question as per link below:

    Is it normal for a dad to take a bath with his son?

  12. Not normal!

  13. h**l CPS ASAP...your wife is fondling your child and she needs professional help...but u also need to notify megans law and register her as a s*x 911 its an emergency

  14. I think that is a little gross. You don't know what she could be doing to your daughter. It could be an issue, and your daughter can end up very confused later in life. I'd investigate this.


  15. Nope, usually nudity between women stops at about the age of 5

  16. wierdo!

  17. not really i stoped showering with my mom at age 4 i mean i wouldnt want my moms b***s in my face while im cleaning myself

  18. ITS NOT NORMAL and you your wife should stop taking showers with her... she's 9 and getting older, she needs her own space.  

  19. Not really. But it might get weird if she's 12 +, by that age I believe she should shower by herself.

  20. that is a bit strange but u should talk to her about it

  21. no not really but i don't care i just nutted.  thanks.

  22. Its perfectly fine as long as the daughter does not mind and the mother does not mind.

    If it is bothering the daughter then no it is not normal.

  23. I guess so.

    I have never showered with my mother per say, but ive showered with my sister at all ages =D

  24. iuse to shower with my mom ad sis when i was little but i think i stoped aroud 6 years old maybe you should try breaking the habit

  25. Idon'tt think this is a bad or terrible thing but it is not good because a woman has a tendency to have yeast infections and may pass it to the daughter.  Your daughter should learn to have some modesty and your daughter should begin to start feeling modesty also by now.  I think I would ask the little girl how she feels about it and why she does that and if she likes to shower with her mom...they dont washeach otherr or anything, right? if they do that is a little weird.

  26. i think its okay up to a certain age, but nine is MORE than pushing it. i would tell her to stop doing that.  

  27. Yes, althpugh conventionally it's a bit old but people have different ideas. Some people aren't ashamed or embarassed by the human body, whaeras some people are more private. I had baths with my sister till I was about 8 I think.

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