
Is it normal for a rat to squeak ?!?!?

by Guest62751  |  earlier

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I have a female rat and she keeps squeaking and it keeps making me jump as shes never done it before. Shes just running along squeaking every few minutes. I was just wondering if this is normal as none of my rats have ever done it before? She looks completely healthy and is happily snooping around as usual. Thanks in advance x =]




  1. Keep an eye on her. Squeaking can mean 2 things, happy playful squeaks (my girls do this) OR... painful squeaks from a sprain (foot or leg) or other ailments that you may or may not see. (This is from personal experience) but if your rat seems healthy after a few days, your rat may just be a happy squeaky rat.  

  2. Yea, it's normal for all rodents! At least hamsters, mice, and rats! They are either happy, or in pain. If you rat is acting absoulutely normal and hasn't biten you, then it is to show you her joy!

  3. only if they are happy  

  4. Rats do make noises and if they like you they will chatter their teeth when you are holding and petting them. This is called bruxing. They will do this when they are happy or content. It's much like when a cat purrs, you know they are happy.

    Rats will also make squeaking noises if they have a cage mate and are play wrestling. Most times they will play wrestle at night after all the humans are in bed and the room they are in is quiet. If one of the rats gets a little rougher than the other one likes they will make a high pitched squeaking noise to let the other rat know they are being too rough.

    Rats will also squeak if they are get scared. The best way to make sure you don't scare your pet rat is to talk to them as you take the lid off the cage. That way they know you are there and are less likely to get scared and bite you. Most rats are friendly and won't bite, but there is an exception to that rule. Just make sure not to scare them or let small children squeeze them tightly when they hold them and the chances of getting bitten by a rat are very small.

    Although Rats will make chirping, squeaking and teeth gnashing noises, if the sounds you are hearing are made when they are breathing or you think their breathing is labored or sounds crackly, you need to take them to a Veterinarian right away. This could be the first signs of an upper respiratory problem and without Veterinary care they can die from this rather fast.

    hope this helped:0

  5. yes they all squeak, but some do it more often than others. don't worry she's a happy rat. Give her's probable that it will squeak more at night because they are nocturnal.

  6. yes it is normal. lol they all do

  7. Not really, rats are pretty silent unless they are wrestling with each other, caught in something or hurt, or have a respiratory infection. You say every few minutes, is it kinda like she has the hiccups and they are noisy? Noisy hiccups are a sign of respiratory infection and a sign that the lungs have been scarred already from prior infections.

  8. My rats only squeak when they are in pain or are scared & i've had 14 rats all together

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