
Is it normal for a regional manager to do "surprise" visits?

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My regional manager keeps traveling down to our store and makes surprise visits where she does audits without telling us that she is coming. She did this 3 times already this year. I've never seen this before in a retail setting. Anyone know? Our audits are always really good so its not like there's a problem.




  1. Kells:

    How long have you been in retail with a successful business model?? Take your RM's visits for what they are: Opportunities to show how good your team is. Make sure to seize this chance to talk up the people that make these fantastic numbers possible, and negotiate some perks for all of you.

    When stores do well consistently, management wants to know why.

    The recipe to a successful enterprise is to find out what you do best, and repeat, repeat, repeat.  This translates into lots of profits, profits, profits.  Do you realize that all of your teammates in the store could be the future managers of all the stores in the region?  Something in your store's style of success is worth observing.  And duplicating.

    Be proud that you've achieved an excellent sales & track record. Ask her what she likes most about your store's operations. Then ask what she likes least.  Make her understand that you're interested in being better still, and your team is willing to work toward that goal.

    Wow.  You're on the road to success!! Congratulations.  

  2.'s normal when there is something "rotten in Denmark" especially in a retail setting.  But, since things are coming out good, maybe they are under pressure on their end to make sure all is well.'s hard to say

  3. Yes it is all part of their role, Sometimes they say when they are coming, usually its always a surprise. I experienced this at Safeway all the time.

  4. Yes it's completely normal. It's part of their job.

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