Over the past week, I spent a great deal of time with 6 kids. 4 boys, aged 1,2,6,& 8, and two teenaged girls. I also have neices and nephews in ages ranging from 1-25.
The six year old boy was constantly talking about killing people and animals and shooting at stuff. He brought a play handgun over, and with birthday money, bought a play automatic rifle. It didn't shoot anything, but made noise when you ****** it or pulled the trigger. His Dad is a hunter, and at first, I thought this was where the gun thing was coming from. But he was really really really obsessed with "sniping" from the car booster seat out the window at passersby, and regularly pointed the gun right between the eyes of other kids and my husband and I, even after we told him guns of any kind were not allowed in the house, and they are NEVER to be pointed at a person.
(His parents were on vacation, and its the first time that he and his siblings have spent a week away from Mom and Dad). He talked about killing things about 50% of the time he spoke, and especially about killing people. My father in law is a retired undersheriff, and I took the boys over there so he could give them some "lessons" about guns, because we are so totally against them, and weren't sure how to handle it. Alex was really interested in how many people the sheriff shot (none) and did he kill a lot. To get him to stop focusing on the guns, the Sheriff talked about all the other things a police officer does, like protecting people, stopping abusive situations, catching shoplifters, stopping speeders and drunk drivers, etc.
When we just about got ready to leave to take the boys back to their grammas for Mom and Dad to pick them up, Alex picked up his gun, pointed right at my husbands head, and pretended to kill him. (This was because we made him leave the guns outside.) He says he wants to be in the army to kill people.
Other things: Because of a health problem between ages 1 and 2, he didn't get enough oxygen for almost a year, or gain any weight. He has some serious learning disabilites, and seems to not understand consequences of his actions. He can be a very cuddly kid sometimes, and very out of control other times. Any input:?