
Is it normal for a stressed vegan to think about eating meat?

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I haven't had meat in three years. And I have had an upsetting day. I'm very worried, very sad.

I'm not really craving meat or milk, I'm just thinking about having it. Has that happened to anyone else before? Is it normal?





    only joking


    of course youll crave meat if you give it up

    its human nature to crave any thing given up

    even if its not needed

  2. It's probably very normal.  Your body tends to ask for what it needs.  It seems like its asking for meat right now, so I suggest you eat some high-protein foods.

    Or have you ever heard of people eating when they're depressed? That might be an explanation as your body tends to want high-calorie foods to deal with stress.

    Don't know if it helps any, but I'm pretty sure it's perfectly normal as long as you don't actually go and eat meat.

  3. Your body probably craves meat for some reason. I haven't eaten meat ever. Since i was born. No joke. And I definately think about it sometimes, but it's different because i hate meat.

  4. "it's been programmed into your brain that it's something you eat "

    What rubbish.

    At one time you probably enjoyed the taste of cooked meat, that's why you are getting the cravings.

    I for one never get cravings to eat foods that I don't like. But you probably did like eating meat other wise you wouldn't get the cravings.

  5. It has happend to me.

    I haven't eated meat sice 7th grade and I'm now entering my sophmore year in highschool.

    I almost gave up being a vegan....I mean, that cheesy pizza looked SO good.

    But I thought about how much I would be giving up and how much I would never forgive myself.

    I probably became a vegan for diff. reason's than you, but to answer your question, yes, it is VERY normal. time you do think about eating meat...look at some pics of dead, bloody animals, and realize that if you DO eat that, you will have to live with the discust and regret of eating another living creature :]

    Good luck fellow vegan!

  6. Since you used to eat meat, it's been programmed into your brain that it's something you eat (or used to eat) and therefore you will crave it. It's like with smoking or drinking - if you do it a lot, even once you've quit you will crave it.

    Somedays I suddenly think about eating meat but I realize that it's only because I spent 15yrs of my life doing so. In reality, I would never actually eat it. So don't worry, it's completely normal.

  7. I'm a dedicate vegan but have a good piece of meat once a month or so. It helps me remember what I gave up and keeps me strong on being a vegan.

  8. meat is a sort of comfort food trust me its normal to think about it just control ur impulses and you'll be fine

  9. completley normal because, in the past when you were stressed out you would have gone for comfort food wich may have been a burger or something with meat.  Its just a trigger emotion that you associate with meat.  If that happens to me ... I usually pop a veggie burger on the grill and season it and do everything you would to a hamburger and enjoy :)  then get a nice glass of chocolate soy milk (choc is another comfort food) with a rice cake topped with peanut butter for dessert...I bet it helps.

  10. This has not happened to me personally as I am not a vegan! In your times of worry try a celery stick to combat that craving, that should cut the mustard!!!

  11. Just eat stuff that taste like meat.

    If your going to serious about wanting to eat meat you should unless you have an allergy or something.

    anyways do what you think is best for your self.

  12. I quit eating meat when i was 13... i'm 27 now and i've never touched it since.

    even when i was down with serious illness i just couldn't.

    i simply preferred death over it. its all about your own convictions.

    yes, i did get tempted occasionally to eat cakes, but i never did bcoz it had eggs.

    you will no doubt be tempted a lot... in the end its all about what your convictions really are.

  13. If your a vegan you are not normal.

  14. Meat might be something of a comfort food. I can't say for sure though, that could be why you are thinking about it. Now your three years strong and you probably won't give in so keep it that way...if you have to eat something else.

    In fact I'm craving a taco right now...but I meat for me.

  15. Meat is more satisfying than salad, that's for sure. I don't know about you or anyone else, but when I eat a salad, I get a stomach ache. When I eat a meatloaf, I feel satified and content. I honestly don't know how people can live without meat. I like animals and feel bad for them and all that, but I would feel like I was starving every day without the satifying fullness of a meal containing meat....and potatoes too.

  16. no.. your body needs meat. maybe you are lacking protien

  17. its normal, it is human nature to like meat and i often think about having it myself. then i remember how the poor animals are treated, and fed a diet of pills and it doesnt look appetizing.

  18. If you think about eating meat again, then just go buy some mock meat, it's pretty similar.

    I once felt like a glass of cow's milk, then thought about the cruelty in the dairy industry, and had a glass of soy milk. I haven't wanted or thought about having a glass of cow's milk since.

  19. On the one hand I do think it's normal to think about something you have given up when mr. stress comes to town.


    In my case, stress makes me even stronger.  I have only been vegan for half as long as you, but even now, I see that meat, dairy, eggs, etc. is not food.  It's something that belonged to a non-human animal.  It doesn't belong to us.  Stress gives me a renewed sense that my ethics are my comfort and I can be comforted in knowing that I am a responsible person.  Eating meat would only stress me out further because I would consider it a failure.

    So when you get down and think about meat, instead channel that energy into making good vegan food.  Start a veg group or join one of the many vegan networking websites out there.  

    You have to draw that negative stuff out and turn it into something great!!

  20. normal? . normal is a relative term.

    i havent personally felt the urge.

  21. well if you're a vegan, then i wouldn't eat any animal anything... depends on how strongly you believe in your own veganism.. to each his own, you know?

  22. i can only say eat something else or go to a room where theres no meet

  23. three years is exactly how long i was vegan.  i broke with dairy, then seafood, then meat.  

    i typically don't eat meat more than once a day (sometimes skipping days), but i also don't have a draconian prohibition against it.

    my motives were more health-oriented than worry about poor creatures lower on the food chain.  i've got a bad sweet tooth and still yet have not found the right diet balance, but i don't regret giving up the vegan diet.

  24. yes, it is prolly normal because its so d**n hard to not eat any animal bi-products and all of my science teachers have told me that veganism is nutritionally deficient. so maybe its ur brain wantin something sweet. i tried veganism one time and it lasted 2 hours and thats cuz i didnt eat anything lol

  25. I guess everyone gets cravings. I am craving TacoTime right now but that is only because spicy foods run my life and their hot sauce is great.

    When I get upset, I crave chocolate milk. So it is fine for you to crave meat. Don't give in though. It would be 3 years for nothing.

  26. Yes and YES. I am lacto-ovo vegan and I crave red meat like crazy when I am depressed. Protein has a strange and uplifting effect on me. I'm just learning about proteins and amino acids, but I do know that the some of the amino acids in meat are converted to glucose. I would assume that when you are depressed, the body craves energy (like I crave fast food and sweets) and thus meat. Also, and this goes without saying, when you are down you crave fats.

    Hope that helps.

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