
Is it normal for a teenager to fear going to therapy

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I hav eating issues and my parents aren't backing down this time.if I don't talk to this therapist they said they would do everything in their power to make sure I was put in the im being forced to talk about my eatting issues and I just know this is going to end well.I know im underweight and my teeth r weak and sore all the time.but I just want to deal with this on my own.




  1. i know exactly how u feel. i HATE thearapists and stuff and idk if im scared of them or if i just hate the idea of HAVEING and being forced to talk to someone nd stuff....idk. but its normal.  

  2. It's normal no matter how old a person is.

    I'm 48 and have seen 3 counselors because of depression. It doesn't get any easier as you get older, so it's best that you just go and talk to the therapist.

    Somebody once asked me how I had the courage to see a counselor, I was more scared of killing myself, so just talking to somebody is pretty easy.

  3. it's normal because we think if ppl find out we'll be viewed as "freaks"

    lots of ppl around us actualy go too we just never know

  4. if you think you can deal this on your on then do. but if not don't. its normal for teenagers to fear going to therapy of course.

  5. Yes. My mom sent me to therapy @ 16 & I didn't want to go for many reasons. I was SO glad when I turned 18 & could move out. I didn't have to do that c**p anymore. Now I am back in it again & it sucks.

    Do what you can so you don't have to keep going back later in life. In other words give it a chance & don't give up on it so easily like I did. good luck on not going to the hospital too. I assume you're a minor which sucks in your case. Good luck.

  6. It's normal for anyone to be fearful of therapy, it's not easy to disclose all of your deep fears and issues, but it is also the best way to handle them and the road to recovery..most people who bottle down their feelings subject themselves to physical and mental honest, be string, you sound like you have a lot of people who love and care about you...join them....

  7. It is normal to fear therapy.  At any age.  We'd all like to believe we can work through our own problems, but the truth is, it can be difficult because we get stuck in our heads with only our own perspective.  It sounds as if you could really benefit from therapy and your parents are truly looking out for you.

    Give therapy a chance.  There is a reason you are there.  Try to find the reason why and start working through it now.  Because if you put it off, it will only get worse.  And it doesn't get easier to deal with problems.  They get bigger and bigger, you put if off longer and longer, until something really big happens that forces you to deal.

    Good luck and I wish you the best.

  8. Um yeahh. A lot. I mean who wants to talk about their personal problems to a stranger you don't even know?

    But your parents are just doing it for the best so I'd say give it a go.

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