
Is it normal for a ten year old boy to p**p in the bathtub?

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My girlfriend's nephew pooped in the bathtub, when I went to go take a shower, p**p was all over the bathtub, I refused to clean it up and I instructed his Grandmother of what he did. She got mad at me for not cleaning it but didn't yell at the ten year at all. I have two nieces three and five and they know to get out of the tub and p**p in the toilet.




  1. NO that is very unusual!  My ten yr old has used the toilet since he was 2. Maybe there is something wrong with his development.  Even then the grandmother or the ten yr old should clean it not u.

  2. I would have refused to clean it up too, there is no reason for a 10 year old to not be able to get out of the tub and go to the toilet, and it's not your responsibility to clean up your girlfriend's nephew's mess.

  3. Not only he should not p**p there but he should also clean it up, if some accident happened. He's old enough for it. But his grandmother's reaction makes it clear why he does not take the responsability to clean himself

  4. No! That is not normal at all. The fact that nobody cleaned it up when they took the child out of the tub is just nasty too. Sounds to me like grandma lets him do whatever he wants. Once a child is "potty trained" there is no reason for such an act, unless the child is sick and had an accident. Good luck with this one - he is going to be a real handful!

  5. 10 is waayyyy to old to do that. that boy needs to be disciplined. it is not your responsibility to clean it up. the boy should be forced to clean it up, and if he were my kid, he'd get seriously punished. that is just sick and wrong for a child of that age. even my 4 year old daughter would know better than to do that.

  6. nah maybe you should take him to the doc.....i mean you could have thought about that dumass

  7. did he have diarhea or did he do it on purpose

  8. first of all, this may sound harsh and i dont mean to offend you but perhaps everyone is babying this boy way too much and soon enough hes going to be doing even worse things than this! if this is not the reason for his movement, perhaps he was upset about something and wanted to pay someone back, someone has to sit this boy down and tell him thats not the right way to get revenge, and the third reason could just possibly be that he was feeling ill, thought he had to toot and accidentally had a movement. I've never heard of this happening with anyone over the age of 8 so perhaps you should just ask the boy why in the world this occured. if you see signs of embarressment maybe say it in a softer tone but i think the best solution is to talk it out with the boy. good luck i hope this helps :)

  9. I don't think it's normal.  But check this out.  The other day there were a bunch of kids in the pool at my apartment complex (ages 8-11) and someone pooped in it.  All the kids got out long enough for  a dad to scoop it out--AND THEN THEY ALL WENT BACK IN!!


    Anyhow, unless he's sick, I don't think it's normal.

  10. There is no reason a 10 year old should p**p in the tub.  You were not out of line by refusing to clean it up.

  11. Unless he has some terrible uncontrollable stomach virus- he should absolutely not be doing that. I have a ten year and a 5 year old and they would never do such a thing. That's completely disgusting and unsafe!!

    I would be quite furious if my children did that without a really good excuse- and the only excuse I can think of is, "Mommy I'm really really sick right now."

  12. Nope, he's old enough to get out, dry off and go on the toilet...unless he was sick with the stomach bug and couldn't control it.

  13. No it's not normal, and if the kid doesn't have a medical excuse like being mobility challenged, he should have been made to clean it up himself.  Grandmother is definitely part of the problem and where was mother?  Would not be out of order for you to let his family know that this kind of hostile behavior is not tolerated in your home and until the problem is corrected, he would not be a welcome visitor.

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