
Is it normal for a ten year old boy to wake up at 1pm in the summer?

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Is it normal for a ten year old boy to wake up at 1pm in the summer?




  1. I don't think so.....unless they are staying up really late....but that just seems odd to me.  The latest my kids have ever slept in is 9am

  2. NO, that is unhealthy and will keep him in a bad cycle. He needs to go to bed around 10PM, get up around 8AM.

  3. Not in my house.. everyone is up by no later then 7:30/8:00.  They have things to do around the house, plus sports practice and friends to play with.  My kids are not allowed to stay up all night or too late, it's too hard to get them back in the school bedtime routine if they are allowed to.

  4. it depends what time hes going to bed and/or if hes getting up in the middle of the night.

  5. Wouldn't you if you stayed up a little later & didn't have anything to get up for?  I had a hard time getting my 7 yr old up by 11:30 this morning.  She stayed up til 10:30 last night.

  6. Think about what time he finally dozes off at night and if he gets up in the middle of the night. Since it's summer, he may stay up later than normal, causing him to need more sleep. If he's beginning puberty, his body's going to need more rest to grow. But as the new school year nears, try getting him in the routine of waking about the time he needs to be up to get ready for school, so when it's school time, his body will be prepared. Hope this helps.

  7. Uh, no that is not normal.  He should be doing other things besides sleeping all day.  That is very unhealthy.  I hope he is not overweight.

  8. My 10 year old daugther and 8 year old son has been doing the same thing. They are taking advantage of this sleep time cause they are up early the rest of the year. Mine do that but they are great and active. I took them to the doctor for the same thing. He said was normal. I let them stay up a little. So yes its normal. They just be tired.

  9. Tell him to stop staying up all night, if he's not spending the entire previous day in vigorous physical activity, then no, it's not normal.

  10. Yeah, if his parents don't give him a bedtime and he stays up all night it is.

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