
Is it normal for a young man to despise young women?

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I've been feeling misogynistic lately because of young women. Why?

*They like to trip and break relationships over petty things.

*Too many want children, which I never want.

*Too many are gold diggers, which is why I don't trust women.

*Women seems to get away with too much, such as lying, gold digging, and domestic violence.

*Many young women try to change their men and they expect too much, like its always a woman's way.

Now if women face gender discrimination, I wouldn't care. Is it normal for a young man to despise young women? If men are misogynists, does that make them homosexual, because I'm not?




  1. it doesnt mean your g*y it just mean you have an issue with women because alot of woman are like not one of them but some can be

  2. All of those points are so true! But I can assure you, not all women are like that....there's one nice women to ever ten horrible women! But they're out there! It doesn't mean your homosexual, it just means you have a good idea about women!

  3. if u are really superman, u could have know the answer ur self

  4. That's sad, you are seeing the minority, not all women want children and are golddiggersl, you are an arrogant pig for thinking that. Just don't do a fricking Ted Bundy because you hate women then that's ok. I just feel sorry for the poor women you will end up hurting because of this attitude, and doesn't it say something about you if you go for these women?

  5. well women want kids because THATS WHAT WE ARE HERE IN THE WORLD FOR!!!! your a not all women ae HORRIBLE,  

  6. are men looking more sexually attractive to you?

  7. You've been with the wrong women.That's just like saying "young men" are no good pieces of c**p that wear their penises on their forehead .Do you want to know why a lot of women don't trust men because of course ALL of them are the exact same they all cheat they ALL want s*x and nothing else,like kids the purpose of s* do you mean you aren't going to have s*x ever again?Because that would make you perfect like you want them to be.By the way men are dumb,useless,lazy and have terrible hygiene habits,how's that for gender discrimination?But here's the thing,who would I be to possibly care?  

  8. I think its life experience that will get you over these feelings.  

    I don't think its very common to have these feelings at a young age, but it does show that you are very perceptive and aware of taking control of your own life.

    Just give everyday girls a chance, the points you have described are obvious points that people joke around with.  But it would be a shame to assume that all women are like this, you could be missing out on some fantastic relationships in the future.

  9. its normal to have those feelings. you just aren't ready for a relationship so i suggest you date girls until you find the one you do respect. i'm 32 and i haven't found too many women that i respect but thats the single life in o.c. and l.a. california

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