
Is it normal for a young man to resent his dad sometimes?

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I really despise my dad right now. He repeats the same thing, he's always pulling the race card, constantly lectures life over and over (stuff that I already know), he drinks a lot, messes around on women, he doesn't respect some of my decisions. I've had thoughts of disconnecting from my family after I became independant.

Is it normal for a young man to feel this way?




  1. No, it's not normal, but then this isn't a normal situation.  A good dad doesn't do any of that.

  2. Of course it is normal.  That happens when a child begins to realize that his parents aren't perfect, and you notice all of their faults.  I would guess you are a teenager and they can be annoying and unfair at times, but as you mature, you will learn to accept them and love them despite their faults.  Just like how they love you and accept you for yours.  Because nobody is perfect and eventually when you have kids, your kids will feel the same towards you.  Would you like it if your kids disconnected from you once they grew up?  Right now, just go along with his lectures, etc. I'm sure it's not that bad.  But also use this time as a learning experience to know what kind of a man you want to be and don't want to be.  

  3. Wow do we have the same dad? and yeah it's normal to feel like that when you have a dad like that.

  4. Yes it's normal.

  5. hi well yes all young people of your age feel the same " or at least most " doesn't mean that your dad is a horrible person we are all humans and we all make mistakes and we are not i a place to judge others , sometimes life is so hard and young people like yourself cannot see but the downsides of things stepping out of the charming innocent world of childhood into adolescence is not such an easy thing ... most things seems ugly now .. but in time you will learn to appreciate reality and to find the best sides of things.

    any way don't worry ... let it all out and get angry as long as you have time for that . " take it easy on your old man though ! "

  6. Yes, it's normal.  And some of  your dad's behavior is normal.  Most parents lecture and argue with their teens, and most teens dream of leaving home and being independent.  But the drinking and "messing around on women" (not sure what that means) would concern me.  If that's the part you resent, you might want to talk to your school counselor.  Your dad's drinking could be a serious problem that may have a negative impact on your life if you don't learn how to handle it.  You said you already resent him. If that resentment builds, worse things could happen. You may not be able to stop him from drinking, but as you said, you may be able to "disconnect" - if not from him, at least from his bad behaviors. Counseling or programs such as Ala-teen can help you with this.  

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