
Is it normal for an 13 years old's parents buying things for him/her?

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i'm just wondering because my parents do that.




  1. of course it's normal! it's their job to provide for you. if you mean extra stuff like expensive sneakers or new video games, those are luxuries. they don't have to buy things like that and do so because they want to.

  2. I have 2 teenagers 18 and 17 and I still buy things for them.  My daughter buys her own clothes although when we are having a spree together I will usually buy her things to save her money as she is a student.  My son who is 17, I usually buy all his things as he is only on a training course, od course he chooses his own clothes and I pay for them!!, but if he wants CD, DVDs, games etc he saves his own money and buys them.  

    Its just a parents way of making sure you are OK.

  3. A parent  usually buys things for their children as long as that child is still in school, college included. At least that's what I did.Sometimes you find yourself helping your grown children too, when they are stuck in a bad situation.

  4. Yes, I mean how else is a kid supposed to get things? They're not old enough to have a real job and even with baby sitting/mowing lawns/walking dogs/etc. that won't be enough to buy everything they need.

  5. It's prefectly normal. You are too young to have a job, other than stuff like mowning lawns or babysitting, and if they didn't buy stuff for you, would you have anything?

    My parents buy stuff for me and my two sisters...Heck, I'm almost 18, and they're helping with my college expenses. My little sister just turned 15 and still gets an allowance.

    I'm not spoiled, but I don't see why you're worried about recieving things from your parents while you're only 13. Don't complain. Before you'll know it, you'll be 18, out of the house, and wishing for mom's financial help.

  6. You're a child....your parents are supposed to take care of you.....that's their job.

  7. well yes but 14-15 nooo way 13 is the year you become a teenager. So your parents can buy you things but not a lot 14 really expensive things and 15 just no you should have a job and have your own money.

  8. Yes. This may totally surprise you, but my bf even buy's his 16 year old stuff.  And plans to do so next year as well.  My bf (just like most parents) don't expect their kids still in K-12 to buy their own clothing, even if they have jobs.

  9. Yeah, I just got the iphone 3g.

  10. Ofcourse it is !

    You (or any 13 year old) should feel lucky and be thankful to your parents for the gifts. There is no reason for you to feel awkward or confused about this. From the parent's side, it is a way of showing affecting or simply giving you the things you need.

    If my parents were still alive I would be crying all the time for a new cellphone ! (I am 19) !

    Have fun :)

  11. of course if you mean a parent buying stuff for their child of course it's normal

  12. yes why doesny ur parents buy u tings

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