My brother is 8 years old. He will be 9 in April. He is in 3rd grade this year. This entire school year he has done nothing but moan and groan in the morning while getting ready for school. He cries that he hates it, and does not want to go.
I'm 20 years old. I have 2 other siblings ages 6 and 7 (in first and second grade) and neither one of my other siblings put up such a fight about going to school. It's really become a huge struggle to get him ready in the morning.
He has a lot of friends at school, a lot of friends in his class, friends that he sits with at lunch, friends he plays with at recess. Hes a very sociable and constantly has one or two of his best friends over to play. I've asked him why he hates it (maybe wondering if hes being bullied or if something is happening that would make him hate school so much) but he says he just does. I've directly asked him if its because of any of the other children or teachers and he says no he just doesnt like it.
Any advice?