
Is it normal for an 8 year old to hate school this much?

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My brother is 8 years old. He will be 9 in April. He is in 3rd grade this year. This entire school year he has done nothing but moan and groan in the morning while getting ready for school. He cries that he hates it, and does not want to go.

I'm 20 years old. I have 2 other siblings ages 6 and 7 (in first and second grade) and neither one of my other siblings put up such a fight about going to school. It's really become a huge struggle to get him ready in the morning.

He has a lot of friends at school, a lot of friends in his class, friends that he sits with at lunch, friends he plays with at recess. Hes a very sociable and constantly has one or two of his best friends over to play. I've asked him why he hates it (maybe wondering if hes being bullied or if something is happening that would make him hate school so much) but he says he just does. I've directly asked him if its because of any of the other children or teachers and he says no he just doesnt like it.

Any advice?




  1. My 8yo 2nd grader is starting to head that way himself.  We're working with his teacher, to see if we can figure out why he's daydreaming & not paying attention in class.  The more I think about it, myself, though, I think that he's grown bored with the work that he's given since he already knows how to do it.  So he daydreams, which makes him fall behind & have to bring the unfinished work home with him and which, in my son's case, makes him feel guilty that he didn't pay attention & get the work done politely, like he knows he is supposed to do.  Which, in turn, makes him not want to go to school, in order to avoid that circle of guilt.  

    Is your brother in the higher reading & math groups?  It could be that he's gifted & just not challenged in school.

  2. wwellll i dont really like the skool lunck either, all he can do is deal with it i guess(sorry if that was a lil mean)

    well hoipe that helps <3 nicole

  3. There is a specific anxiety disorder called 'school phobia'.  My sister went through that.  I have no idea if it applies to your brother, but she was going through it at roughly the same age.

    As an adult, she suffers from social anxiety disorder and depression.  

    With her experience, there was no specific person or reason for her to be afraid of or hate school because of, no test she was anxious was just the entire thing on the whole.

    If you exhaust all of your options and can't resolve it, ask his doctor about this disorder.  My sister had some counselling then and it did help her.

  4. sounds like he might be getting bullied i'd maybe get your parent or guardian to go to the school and speak with the principal usually kids who deny getting bullied are the ones who are getting bullied because they're afraid to speak up about it

  5. Maybe he just needs a different teacher, or move schools lol. But if you want to be really really nice dont make him go to school.

  6. Lots of children don’t want to get up and go to school, especially after having a weekend of fun. Hanging around the house and playing with friends sure beats having to pay attention in the classroom — so it’s not unusual for children to check to see if you’ll cave in and let them play hooky. It’s normal if your child tries this out occasionally, as long as he makes it to school without too much fuss.

    However, it’s a whole different ball game if the kid habitually balks at going to school or seems genuinely fearful or anxious about it. Kids, especially in the grade-school years, display school refusal behaviors for three main reasons.

    THE FIRST REASON IS...DUN DUN DUN!!!They feel at risk socially — rejected, ostracized, or ignored by peers. The school environment may be perceived as lonely, uncomfortable, or threatening. It’s tough when you’re 7 years old and you feel unaccepted and different from the other kids.

    i'M NOT sure whether this is ur brothers problem as he seems to be quite popular!

    Those who perceive themselves as academically inferior often feel picked on or teased by other children when they make errors in class, and many consider themselves to be dumb or stupid because of the teasing. (It’s humiliating to answer incorrectly in class with 20 kids watching your unsatisfactory performance.)

    Children who are very active, perhaps even hyperactive, can become extremely uncomfortable when expected to sit for several hours in the classroom, even with breaks for recess, lunch, and PE. These kids seem to be constantly chastised by their teachers to stay in their seats, to focus on their work, or to keep their hands to themselves.

    Children who display one or more of the above problems tend to have school refusal issues at some point in their academic careers. Feeling lonely, dumb, or unfocused would be uncomfortable for just about anyone.


    First, listen to your brother and take him seriously. If there’s a pattern of complaints about others not liking her, check it out further.

    Also, ask UR MUM TO ask the teacher about children your child seems to get along with. Does he have a special friend ?

    Mabye its nothing to do with that. mabye he's


    being weak in an academic area or two — assessment and remediation should do the trick. Consult /ask ur parents 2 consult with your LIL BRO's teacher or guidance counselor to get information on achievement testing.

    After you understand the nature and causes of the weak areas, ask ur parents 2 check into tutorial situations, both at school as well as privately. If your child’s testing meets certain criteria, he should be eligible for special programs providing individualized instruction to bring his knowledge, grades, and skills up to par. The process may be lengthy, so try to get started as soon as you notice a deficit area developing.

    Once your child feels more comfortable with the work, he’ll feel smarter and more confident. The I-hate-school problem will tone down as he begins to look forward to answering questions in class and is no longer nervous about participating in front of his peers.






  7. Aloha from Down Unda!

    Instill the love.

    Vacation Bible School is an easy [essential] way

    Boot camp is a hard way, prison is harder

    Consider where all this hatred steams...too close to home - spoiled!  

    Chop-chop! 8 today 80 tomorrow

    Best wishes~

  8. First of all, I would suspect that he is not a morning person.  Some night people seem to be genetically programmed that way and they just aren't dealing with morning ever.  Anything associated with getting them up prior to noon is hated.

    Other than that, he could be just bored.

  9. I'd talk to his teacher to see is s/he has any idea.  It might be that he's not getting enough sleep, he might be dyslexic (how's his reading skills), he might just not like getting up and going in the morning (I feel like that every morning and I'm 53 years old, lol).  You sound like a great brother to be looking out for him...

  10. He might just be too smart.  Smart children get bored when they're not challenged.  I hated school when I was younger too. I found out it's because I'm a genius.   j/k.

  11. How are his academics? Is he needing help in school or is he ahead of everyone? These two things are huge things in kids not wanting to go. But he could also just be a boy and would rather be playing with his friends.

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