
Is it normal for an 8th grade student not knowing how to subtract????

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ok im a little embarassed to say this but i really dont know how to subtract.and i really need if you know any website or anything that could help me, pleaseeee tell me. i have an exam test on friday and i need help FASTTT




  1. no its really not normal for an 8th grader not to know how to subtract!! you should have learneed that in about 2nd grade. try a site like this    if that doesnt help just go to an elementary school website and do a few math activities!! hope i helped and good luck ^^

  2. There are several ways to go about subtraction. It seems that you're a little behind so maybe you need to use illustration. If the problem is 5-3, think of it as having 5 apples and taking away 3, how many apples do you have left? If the problem is 64-23, then do the same thing but with bigger numbers.

    Another, more helpful way to subtract I believe is to do backwards addition, you can get your answers for subtracting by addition.

    For example,

    if the problem is 53 - 35 = ?

    Take 35 and figure out what you need to add to it to equal 53.

    if it's 12 - 5 = ?


    5 + ? = 12

    Hope that helps, don't let it frusturate you.

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