
Is it normal for babies to teach them selves to sooth them selves

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my baby is 7 months old i have always had to get her to sleep before putting her in her cot if i ever put her in and left her she would scream until i went back in the room all of a sudden she doesnt want me to cuddle her to sleep anymore she wants me to leave her in the cot and she falls asleep herself.

also shes sleeping for 16 hours a day is this all normal? shes a very active baby when shes awake.




  1. Your lucky she's done this on her own... A lot of parents really struggle with they crying period when they are put down, or just continue to cuddle them to sleep.

    The amount of sleep she has is fine, my 7 month old son has somewhere around 16 hours too.


  2. If the amount of hours she sleeps in the day has dramatically increased or decreased then its a concern when combined with a change in behaviour can be a concern

  3. I think that's great!  Yes, it is normal for them to learn to soothe themselves. My 9 month old sleeps for 2.5-3 hours for 1 nap in the day and 11 hours at night straight through no waking.  I ma not sure if 16 hours is too much, sounds a tad much, check with your doc.

  4. Shes matured, and you are smart to recognize it.

    Its normal.  She sounds fine.

  5. yes they do my son does hes 9 weeks he likes his cot for sleepy times

  6. yes this is normal and it is a very valuable thing for a baby to daughter has been doing it since she was 3 months old, she would suck on her hand until she fell asleep, the amount of sleep she is having is fine as well!congratulations on your baby being able to do this, a lot of babies never get the chance to find out they can self-soothe, now if she wakens in the night she doesnt need mummy to cuddle her to sleep!

  7. you are a lucky one!!!

    some babies are like this, yes. my first son would sleep even more than your daughter. my other two.........i wasn't so lucky.

    16 hours a day sounds perfect and is probably making a bunch of mums on here extremely jealous. it can take months or years to get some children to self soothe. sounds like you have a little girl who knows when she needs to sleep and can handle it on her own. that's a fantastic skill at only 7 months!

    best wishes, and congrats!

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