
Is it normal for baby to have runny stools and refuse bottle when teething?

by Guest58662  |  earlier

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shes 3 months, shes def teething, putting hands in mouth, gums are really hard and raised. Crying. She has seemed unsettled.

She has also had runny stools and they are normally more solid and is refusing her bottle!




  1. Yes it's normal, though if she's still in a lot of distress and refusing her feeds you might want to take her to the doctors, babies get dehydrated very quickly.  Also some teething gel might settle her a little, if so definately use that time to try and give her a bottle.  Oh and with the runny stools, watch out for nappy rash.  Good Luck!

  2. My son (6 months) and I have been through h**l today with his teething! More so him than me but I just feel rather helpless!  He has perhaps had about 6 oz of milk today :( He has been taking water so I'm not too concerned.  His bottom 2 teeth are just pushing through the gum so in all fairness this has been the worst day we have had but he has refused his bottle and is so grumpy. He has also been sick more often and its normal for babies to react in different ways.  

    As she is quite young do all you can to get her to take her bottle and failing that make sure that she is getting water.  Its not to much of a concern with my son as he has solids which have his milk in them!

    I'm finding that Teetha powders are really good, they are really helping him a lot and I'm using Calgel and at the worst point today he had a temp and red cheeks and was inconsolable I gave him clapol :( My heart goes out to all the lil babies who r teething.  Hope that she feels better soon and that tooth pops through pronto.  

  3. That's a normal symptom, but make sure shes getting enough fluids.  If it lasts too long you should call your doctor because your baby can get or might be dehydrated,

    The fussy-ness is normal too.  You can try Baby Orajel and Tylenol for Infants, but check with your doctor first before you give her anything over the counter.

    There's also the traditional methods - Try giving her cold teething rings or a wet washcloth to chew on.  My daughter hated it all, so we just waited it out.  You'll get through this!!!!!!!!

  4. I don't think you can safely put it down to teething if she is refusing her bottle...they get dehydrated VERY quickly...I've been's so scary. Don't risk the doctor asap.

  5. My son wasn't as hungry as he normally was when he was teething. Thats just normal. His stools never changed much but they were normally a little runny.  

  6. yes it happens sometimes. go to boots/ chemist and buy ashton and parsons powders. they worked for my daughter but not my son, so its worth a try!

  7. Yup that is perfectly normal.....put some baby orajel on her gums and baby tylenol to help her's not like they are in pain as much as it's a terrible itchy feeling they get before the teeth actually do cut in so a cold teething ring or cold washcloth to knaw on helps as well.  

  8. This sounds like the classic teething symptoms. Keep offering cooled boiled water to keep baby hydrated. Most babies go off all food/milk when teething. If in any doubt don't hesitate to contact your GP or health visitor. Hope she gets her little teeth soon!

  9. Thats very normal i remember when my baby was teething he used to put his hands in his mouth all the time wat really helped me was that i gave him Baby Oragel and i also gave him those little round chewy water toys and that soothes their gums and calms the pain try giving her teething gel and soft things she can chew on

    Hope this helps...

  10. Yes.  Perfectly normal...

  11. yes very normal. for all of her symptoms, try baby tylenol or motrin. cold towels on gums, shes still so small so i would normally say popsicles but she too young for that. anything cold you feel giving her that you know is safe. maybe a cold ice water in her bottle even put the bottle in the fridge for a bit to get the nipple cold.  

  12. Yes it is normal.  Do you have some baby orajel?  

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