
Is it normal for child abused...?

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children to wet their bed when they are 14?

Don't look at me strangly...




  1. Yea  and thats the reason you are if its you

      Bcs both my aunt's wet the bed till they were like 18.

    Go to a chiropractor and they can move the bones so you won't wet the bed anymore it's your bones being out of place and to prove that my little brother never wet the bed and then he fell of the monkey bars and wet the bed three nights in a row then we took him to the chiropractor and he quit and has never done it again

       Good luck  <3

  2. Possibly. The child sounds like they need a really good counsiler to help them learn how to deal and cope.

  3. Yes this is fairly typical, but that doesn't mean that ALL teenagers who wet the bed are abused children.  By the same token, not all abused children will wet the bed...but in answer to your question, yes it is quite typical.

  4. Yes, and some kids who have NOT been abused wet the bed at 14. Talk to the counselor and doc.

  5. Yes, along with a lot of other things.

  6. Depends on how they were abused.. when.. its tramatic.

    They cannot help this.. needs serious counselling though...

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