
Is it normal for children to look at each other and touch each other?

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My son is 5 and my nephew is 4. We have had a problem with them pulling down pants and looking at each other and possibly touching each other. It is hard to get a straight answer out of them. We have had a few different incindents in the past year and half. Should take my son to a doctor? WE told them it was bad and not to do it everytime, maybe I went about it the wrong way?? Someone please help??




  1. i think you should explain to them that private parts are something you keep private. this is a good time to explain good touch bad touch and find out where they learned that because all children behavior is learned behavior.

  2. i would find a child counselor for your child cps can hook you up with one my grand daughter was doing this and we found out her stepsister was being molested this way

  3. Chilren at that age are curious of themselves and the opposite s*x because they are leanring new things everyday and this is something new to them. Also if they see there mothers privates or dads they may thinnk it perfectly acceptable to look at other people privates. They should eventually grow out of it but if you see them doing it again maybe sit down and explain that they shouldnt be doing that.

  4. I think that is normal until they're around 6 or7. I would still consult  his doctor just to make sure. When they do it, just exp[lain to them that private parts are just that- private. After you explain that to them tell them that if they are caught doing it again that they will be punished, and stick to it.

  5. A doctor cannot really do anything (unless you mean psychiatrist).

    best thing to do is constant reinforcement that it is wrong, when they do it punish them by giving them a time out or stopping tv or something.

  6. Curiosity is normal and healthy.  Never tell them it's "bad," just that "we don't do that."  5 is still a little young to understand the concept of modesty. It certainly isn't harmful, but it is embarrassing and upsetting when they do that with every child they meet.  I'm not sure what you think your doctor is going to accomplish.  As far as touching is concerned, if they've discovered that mutual masturbation feels good, that's a genie that can't be put back in the bottle.  In that case, it's a matter of "we don't do that in front of others."  In all cases, the less fuss you make about it the better.  There are far worse behaviors (biting, swearing, throwing objects).  If he persists in taking down his pants and encouraging others to so do, you should probably consult a child psychologist  to see what's going on and how to deal with it.

  7. If you take a child to a doctor or councelor they are going to prescribe mind altering drugs with more insane side effects than you can possibly imagine. Please do not do that.

    Yes, it's normal. Children are curious and they don't know why it's bad.  In fact, by telling them it's bad, you are setting them up to think it's bad later on too.  The best thing to do is when they play together, keep them supervised so that you can avoid that occuring.  If they are playing in the room, have them bring whatever toys out into your view so you can keep an eye on them etc.  Help keep them preoccupied with games.  

    I have observed this occur with one of my children and many of my friends have had similar experiences.  The best thing is to supervise and encourage other games.  And don't worry about it.  Good luck!

  8. I remember when I was a kid I had a friend that was a girl

    and I was suprised to find out that she didn't have a p***s.

    I was fascinated.

    She was equally fascinated when she discovered that I

    had a p***s and we explored each other for hours before

    we got yelled at.

    Kids want to know the world around them.How things work

    why things work and what things are.

    It's normal for kids to do this with each other because they

    want to explore.

    It isn't normal for adults to do this with children but it is for children normal to do this without being encouraged by adults to do that.

    The more that you explain things to your child the less they

    will need to find out on their own.

    There are going to be a lot of things that your child will be

    learning on his own so the best thing to do is to encourage

    him to ask you questions.That way you'll know his progress

    and you can explain things instead of having your child just

    stumble onto it in an akward way.

  9. They are just young kids that dont know what is right and what is wrong.  I wouldn't worry about it.  But anything above the age of 8 and 7 i would start to get worried.  I wouldn't worry about it now though

  10. I am an early childhood educator, this is normal up to the age of 3, than it becomes a problem. Don't tell them its wrong, but you need to find out what is going on you may have to take them to a professional to find out. I would try to not let your son around them if that is at all possible.

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