
Is it normal for chinchillas to scratch and itch its self every now and again?

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Is it normal for chinchillas to scratch and itch its self every now and again?




  1. have you got chinchilla sand for her to dust bath in? if not that may be your problem otherwise i wld get her checked by vet just in case =]

  2. sure, everyone itches now and then... usually just from irritation or dry skin.  have you ever seen a bird itch?  its soooo cute to watch them try to get that tiny foot up so high if their beaks can reach

  3. Yes it is normal but don't forget that they need regular dust baths

    They do need to take dust baths regularly to keep their fur healthy and free of fungus. Chinchillas have a lot of lanolin in their fur.

    Dust baths should be provided at least once or twice weekly, and daily or every other day dust-bathing is encouraged. These must be large and deep enough to allow the chinchillas to roll over in it. There are houses that are made especially for bathing or you can use a shoe box ( just something large enough that they can roll in )

    Finely powdered volcanic ash is used to keep the fur clean and well groomed. Several brands of “chinchilla dust” are marketed. This bath should only be provided for a short time during the day, otherwise there would be a perpetual dust cloud in the cage. It is also unsanitary to leave the dust in the cage. The dust should be taken out after the bath so that later your chin doesn't roll in his or her own poo/ or urine.

    There are some brands of dust that are scented. Do not use any of these dusts. Chinchillas have sensitive respiratory systems and the scents used in these dusts can potentially cause problems.

  4. If it's every now and then, yes. All animals get an itch once in a while. If it's more often though, probably best to go to the vet.

  5. Yeah

    when you have an itch don't you scratch it?

  6. Yes it is, i have one and he does it occasionally

  7. yes my chinchilla used to do it so don't worry, if you have checked for fleas (yes it is possible for them to get them and you have a good dust bath for them then don't worry all is ok their skin can sometimes get a bit dry but they do like a good scratch every so often

  8. Yes most animals will randomly scratch themselves every now and again.

    However, you should try to check it's fur to make sure it hasn't got any mites.

    It is probably just it's natural behaviour though.

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