
Is it normal for college to make one want to die

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I have an essay to write. I seriously am depressed...and want to die.

Is this normal?




  1. okay dont jump out the window

    jus calm down and relax


  2. you know what you want to college to get a higher education and you don`t get it easy so you do have to work hard and focus on what you have to get done. Break up your time with something fun and enjoyable and that doesn`t includ seeing if you can fly.  

  3. Are you depressed becuase you have to write an essay?

    Depending on what the subject is and your history of essay writings, this isnt solid enough for death...

    family problems?

    And yes, it is normal for college students to get depressed, there is a lot of pressure, just take it easy, take a breather.

    Focus on the task at hand, meditate, find your calm, get to it and succeed :)

  4. No, it is not normal.

    Please get help for your depression.  Contact the campus health service or your doctor.  In the meantime, spend time with a friend or relative who will listen to you and care.  The local help line (or national suicide prevention line in the US) will also help.

    If you want to act on the suicidal feelings (and many people think about suicide without making an attempt) , contact the people mentioned above immediately, and go to the emergency room as possible,  If you progress from thinking vaguely about suicide to making definite plans about the method, location and time, then get help asap.   If you have made previous attempts, of have a friend or relative who has dome so, get help.  And it you find yourself in emotional turmoil, get help.  Try to have a plan to counter the urge to attempt suicide (including sudden, impulsive urges) and seek assistance.

    and stay away from the window (get someone else to close it) and get rid of excess pills etc.

  5. Okay to  most people that might seem normal since they have been doing that all threw out college and to others its not. My best advice is to take a deep breath and relax. Let me guess is this at the last minute? Well if it is why did you wait so long. See what I would do is when you first know about it. Go home and type it then. That way you will have more free time. So just relax and take a deep breath. You will be okay. And shut the window of yours now. Listen to some music and type....You will be fine

  6. I know I wanted to die the first time around. I dropped out at age 20 after 2 years. Now I'm back at 26 and it is much better this time. For me, taking a few years off was the best thing to do. Lots of other people want to die in school too, but they get through it. I'd say it's pretty normal. So you can either just tell yourself "This is really important for me to get through, but it will all be over eventually" or "This is not the end of the world". Because it's true. No need to actually die over it. If you can't find any other way, drop out. Your parents would prefer that to you taking off through that window, trust me.

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