
Is it normal for eleven year old girls to be naked together?

by Guest64863  |  earlier

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I'm a 14 year old guy who recently went on a vacation to the outer banks with all of my cousins plus one family that was close friends with my 11 year old cousin's family. Throughout the week the two eleven year old girls, as well as the friend's seven year old sister, changed at the same time in the same room and ocasionally showered together. This came to my attention when I noticed the friend and her sister walking into the bathroom while my cousin was in the shower stating " we are going to keep her company". Worse than this they never locked the doors either, as I found out when I knocked on their closed door to come in and get my cellphone and, in response to the "come in" that was shouted afterward, walked in to find all three naked standing in the middle of the room. What gives? Is this normal?




  1. It's normal. At 11 you most likely don't have anything to hide (you aren't a woman yet). I used to shower with my friend when we were 11..

  2. I would say it's pretty normal. My friends and I used to have naked sleepovers (no guys in the house, of course) at about that age.

  3. I would say that it is normal. Girls don't usually mind being naked together unless they have self-esteem issues. I wouldn't really worry about it too much unless you find out that they are touching eachother or the younger girl.

  4. The showering is kind of strange. I did take baths with my friends at that age but we would wear bathing suits haha. I change in the same room that all my friends are in. If it's just changing a t-shirt then I'll change infront of anyone haha

  5. I know when I was eleven I was wayyy too insecure about my body to be stripping down

  6. haha, yes. that sounds perfectly normal.

    they'll stop doing it once they get a little bit older.

  7. At 11 you wouldn't want to be showering or striping in front of other 11 year olds or at least I didn't!

  8. Its totally normal

  9. it is pretty normal bt as they get older they need to get broken out of it or that will lead to gayness mayb!!!!!!

  10. yeah its normal.

    its not like they seem to be doing naughty things with each other.

    i wouldn't worry about it. They'll grow up soon.

    they just want to see what other bodies look like too. there curious.

  11. yea my friends all do its normal for some ppl... guys change/shower after football 2gether so yea

  12. Not really. They need to learn a little humility. Sounds like strippers in the making.

  13. Well, I'm really close to that age and most of my peers are scared to change in front of each other. If the three girls shower together and stand naked without locking the door, I would say something is fishy.

  14. It's normal man.

  15. um when i was 11 i would never maybe around a sister but definately not a friend but what ever they want to do it doesnt bother everyone

  16. Well duhh it's normal.

    They're only 11 it would be different if they were like 13 or something.

  17. its normal

  18. uhm... i would say its prittty normal.... because they are 11 thats not bad even grown up women do this just like men play football n shower 2 gether its nothing 2 bad about it....

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