
Is it normal for guinea pigs to shed?

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Once my guinea pigs started shedding I want to know if that's normal... I was spraying them with skin care for rodents...




  1. Some shedding is normal but I'd read over

    Ditch the spray. They are pretty useless and can be toxic, killing your guinea pig if ingested.  

  2. yes it is normal...i have three guinea of mine sheds and the other two dont. its completely normal.

  3. do rabbits shed(yes)?

    and yes guinea pigs do its normal!

    but buy a brush and brush him or her every week or more!

  4. while guinea pigs do shed , if you are noticing it is shedding more than you think is natural, it could be a paracidic infection called mange mites, and they CAN be lethal. if your guinea pig is scratching or biting itself very often, or in serious cases, having seizures. Go to a vet, they could prescribe Ivermectin if it is mange mites. I hope the guinea pig is ok :)

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