
Is it normal for guys to go commando in the house?

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Is it normal for guys to go commando in the house?




  1. Yes I do it all the time.

  2. Yeah, going commando is perfectly fine.  I love going commando.

  3. love it when my man does

  4. to some people , **** i love when my dude goes free balling hahaha lol i think its s**y !! ooh god i love my man!! OK sorry got hot n bothered for a minute... you see it cant be a bad thing if it would get a chik like that huh? unless u don't like it i don't know i guess it is totally up to u weather or not U think its normal ... more people do it than you think. I'm commando right now hahahaha lol

    some people are totally comfortable when they are naked , why not walk around like that if it makes u comfortable?

  5. if by commando u mean taking cushions off the sofa and making bases then no doubt!  

  6. In my house its even more normal lol. Hey its you house dude

  7. I think it is long as everyone is comfortable with it. Both my husband and I enjoy being in the nude in our house...we do not see what the problem would and or could be.  

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