
Is it normal for hospital staff to refuse entry to a family member after a operation?? ?

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my father just had his spleen removed today and mum tells me that the nurse will not let her or my sister see him till midday tomorrow !

i think thats c**p - the poor old bugger has to sit in hospital in pain with strangers till tomorrow i just think its WRONG. after a big operation like that you need your loved ones with you even if it only for a few hrs-




  1. That is due to the risk of infection. It is completely normal and the wound must be open for awhile to allow it to heal from the inside to outside. This opening procedure allows it to breathe but it makes the risk of infection during that time the greatest. So also to allow the patient to recover and rest after surgery it is recomended that they be asleep and allowed no visitors.  

  2. Its normal. he needs rest. havign visitors would mean he woudl expend enegry talking and moving (even if its olny slightly) afetr a bgi operation its vital he rests as bes tas possibel with no disturbances so he recovers well. also afetr an operation liek that you may brign in unwanted ifnectiosnfrom outsdie that will ifnect his still healign wound.

    s don't be so hto headed and let him rest until tomorrow, he'll be alot better by tomorrow

  3. Be patient. The last thing you need to do is throw a fit. Give the man some peace and quiet to recover in.

  4. Sometimes the hospital doesn't want family members to get all emotional in the best interest of the patient nothing more. Don't worry he knows you care and that you are there for him.

    I'll pray for his speedy recovery.

    Take care.


  5. They are worried about infections and your father getting rest, your immune system is really low after surgery!! You would not feel to good if he accidently got sick from visitors, it sucks but it is for his own good..

  6. hi cm i have been keeping up to date with all your questions about your father and may i say i wish you and all your family the best and i hope your father gets well soon

    i will be praying for him

    god bless hun  

  7. Talk to the head nurse about their visiting policy.

  8. yes he needs the rest  

  9. They aren't doing that to be mean, you know. They are thinking about his condition and his health first. So they probobly want him to rest up and recover a little before you guys go visit him. Either that or it's past visiting hours. I'm thinking its the first one though. Don't take it personally, they're thinking  about the patient's needs first.

  10.   Hi! I'm sure it's NOT as complicated NOW as it was when MY MOM had an emergency spleenectomy in 19-

    65;she,in fact,was the first to survive more than THREE DAYS(In W.W.II a 17-yr.-old survived 3 days pinned under a jeep);she lived 'til 1998! It is,nonetheless a ma-

    jor operation,and as the lost organ has to do with clean-

    sing the body of toxins I'd imagine it IMPERATIVE to a-

    void even the CHANCE of infection. And do you REAL-

    LY think he'll be in any shape for visitors?It MAY help

    YOU,but you(family)AREN'T the PATIENT & HE'S the

    hospital's "priority",right?

      Too,remember that it is only ONE day(I had to wait 4-

    & be SNUCK up-in those days there were age mini-

    mums for visitors!),so-o-o,let him get his rest so he WILL be "bright-eyed-&-bushy-tailed",as they said in my parents' day! And be GRATEFUL that(I'm SURE)he

    WON'T have a scar from breatbone to genitals,have to

    wear a surgical "girdle" for 5 years,not be able to drive

    for 6 months,nor walk up/down stairs or work for at least 6 months,as was the case for my mom!

      And why don't you-or your Mom,INSIST on speaking

    to the "Charge Nurse",or even his doctor?!!?

      Good luck to you-AND your Dad!

  11. Even if your father is in critical condition in intensive care visits should be permitted for a few minutes.  Have your mother contact his surgeon.  If that doesn't get results, she should contact the hospital administration.  

    My prayers have gone out for your father's recovery.  God bless!

  12. if the hospital staff thinks there is a particular danger of infection - yes.

  13. A hospital will do that at the patient's request, or if it's in the interest of the patient and his/her recovery.

  14. this is to allows the aptient to rest, after an opperation nurses feel its better for the aptient to rest for a while seeing loved ones could make them want to leave and having loved ones there will keep him awake as he will feel like he has to sit and talk  

  15. I think it's generally to let the person rest after they go under surgery

    It is very normal, though

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