
Is it normal for husbands to be overly consumed with doing it?

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I definitely don't want to come off ungrateful as I know that some people wish they could be in my shoes with a man who literally wants it all the time. But, it's to the point where it is all he thinks about. I put on a couple pounds and now he has this fetish with my butt which is OK but I feel objectified. He constantly asks me if we're going to and I tell him if he would stop asking so much, maybe i'd be more turned on because really he comes off like a buggard and it doesn't even have to be like that because it's not that I don't want to, it's just annoying to be hounded every waking hour? He does watch p**n, which I don't really care about, but I think he expects me to perform like they do - tirelessly and nonstop. I work full time, go to school, and have responsibilities regarding my daughter and the house. I can always make time, but it's the constant nagging that's kills it for me. Even if i'm dead tired, he expects me to.

I know the men will hate me for this but I just want to know is this normal behavior. He's 35. I'm 31.




  1. That BS about not giving it all the time  and they'll go find something else is a bunch of sh*t!!  My 1 st and 2nd husbands got it all the time with me, but still had time for all their other side chicks!  

    I understand where your coming from!  'They don't realize that the p**n chicks even get breaks, they just don't show it on the d**n things.

    there is such thing as a nympho. Maybe he is this?  

    I have no idea how to help  sorry.

  2. Talk to him, he is being very selfish.

  3. It sounds like you're not doing it very often.  Am I right?  In my experience, when guys aren't having to try so hard to get it, it's not that big of a deal to them.  Keeping your husband happy should be a priority to you also, along with the other responsiblities you listed.

  4. It sound to me as if the common sense side of your brain is trying to tell you something.

    All you need to do is stop fooling yourself and listen to what your instincts are trying to tell you.

  5. He might be going through an early mid-life crisis. It might be more of him wanting to prove to himself that he still can. My husband is very healthy compared to many couples but yours is like the energizing bunny!

  6. I have been married for 12 years and have been actively thinking about s*x at least 50% of the time.  I'm at work right now and just got off the elevator and was thinking about s*x with the girl on the elevator, then as soon as I got off the elevator I started thinking about s*x with my wife again.  

    Pretty much after 40 years of life I have concluded that all other pursuits, such as sports, school, work, cars, etc. all function for the purpose of getting more s*x, or keeping you busy while you're not getting any.  

    My wife's solution to my continual hornyness is to act like it doesn't exist.  She never initiates s*x, and when I do she usually says no.  So we have it about 5-6 times a year and the rest of the year I wack off until I'm blind.

  7. i do this to my husband its not that i mean to nag him but i always am horny so just hint and at loads. Sometimes he is tired i will grant him that but i often get my way in the end! i cant help myself, some people have high s*x drives its not just men.

    i work 22 hours a week, look afte our 6 and a half month old daughter and look after teh house but i could easily have s*x everyday. its stress relieving, pleasurable and relaxing.

  8. i have been married for 17 years and it has not happened yet he still always wants it if he did not then i would be worried at least i know he is getting it at home only he is a man and that's what they want

  9. DA, sit down with your husband and tell him your feelings. I am sure it just a miscommunication right now.  Tell him that you both need come to compromise and go from there.  I am sure if he knows that you feel this way he will understand but don't attack him while talking to him either.

    Some other women would kill to have a man who wants it 24-7.  In your case you have a fella who wants it more than on a regular.  There will also be a time to where he cools off and you will want it more often and then you will start to complain about not getting enough.  Good Luck.

  10. Most men view s*x like women view chocolate. It is so good you want more and more.

    Obviously your mate has a problem with feeling you don't desire him. The more you reject him, the more he feels undesired and trys to get reassurance you find him desirable.

    The more he tries to obtain reassurance of you wanting to be intimate with him, the more you resent his begging for affection. It is a downward spiral.

    Eventually the frustration from being rejected most of the time and knowing when you do have s*x, you didn't want him, will cause a cessation of intimacy and you will divorce.

    You both need a psychiatrist to find why you don't want to be intimate and affectionate with him, and to make him understand that there are ways other than s*x to express ones self.

  11. That would be a turn-off. Begging for it is not attractive at all.

    In my marriage its usually me who initiates s*x but I would never beg for it, that's just being a nuisance.  

  12. If that's your pic....just take a look.  h**l, I'd be the same're just too hot...wouldn't be able to keep my hands off.

  13. at last there is one lady complaining from her husband cause he want to do it all the time!!!!!!!!!

    do you think 3-4 times a week is much while you both are still in your early 30's?

    you better get advantage of his energy now before you regret it later.

    don't you think that he should have some way to release?

  14. Its normal for some men, also for some women. He just clearly has a high s*x drive. I sympathise, my husband is the same. He just doesn't get that if he would stop putting pressure on me all the time I'd be a lot more inclined to do it. It doesn't matter how many times I tell him, he still goes on all the time!

  15. Seems to me he sees you as a hot woman!  As him to help your with chores so that you can have playtime together and you would not be so tired with work, school, child, and chores, homework.

  16. Your husband needs to get away from the p**n immediatly. He may be caught up in a fantasy world and not living in his own reality. That world revolves around s*x. Reality shouldnt. Address the p**n issue.

  17. Why not make a deal with him?  You promise to do it 5 times a week, if he promises never to ask, and to let you initiate it each time?  

  18. What is the issue here really?

    Is it the s*x or is it the feeling of coercion?

    This could very well be his trying to hold onto your affection through intimacy. This is while you are resisting.

    Often this becomes a self fulfilling prophesy. You resist so he become inclined to chase harder.

    If you want to initiate more DO IT. What have you been waiting for?

    Right now this wanting it to be your idea thing is simply a delay tactic.

    There is some serious posturing going on here.

    He wants more from you and you have decided he has gotten enough.

    You are withholding. It may not be 100% but you are withholding.

    I think it would serve you well to find out what is really going on with both of you.

  19. Yes, it's normal. And yes, sometimes we can be a pain about it. But remember, it's because we love you.

    To make it better for you, you need to teach him to be more seductive.  

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