
Is it normal for me to get Turned-off by Trash Stamps, I mean Tatooed girls?

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The way I see tatoo on a girl is that it's like really trashy looking. I went out with a girl and she seems nice but then I saw a tatoo on her and instantly I told myself that there would be no longer term and just had s*x with her then dumped her.

Am I normal to feel this way? Why do some of the girls get permanent grafitti on their beautiful milky skin body?

I just feel like it's such a waste of beautiful natural skin color. Am I alone on this feeling?




  1. No. It's very normal. I'm a girl, and every time I see a tattoo on a guy, I think that they have no self respect or manners. It's normal to think this, but we should always treat everyone as equals and respect all, even if they do have tattoos.

  2. Different people like different things. If you didn't like the tattoo on her you should have just dumped her nicely ( we're better off as friends) instead you were really immature and used her. You obviously put yourself on a moral high horse but your actions prove that you're a hypocrite.

  3. You're not alone (I don't agree with you), but it's super shallow of you. She gets a tattoo to express herself and you express how you feel about her by using her like some resource at your disposal. you need to grow the h**l up. You sound like a pansy to me.

  4. I hate the look too but the way you treated her isn't any better.


    Get over yourself!

    So I guess in your world it's better to just use a girl for s*x then dump her than have a tattoo?

    I hope every girl you ever like has a gigantic tattoo and then she dumps you for being a d**k!

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