
Is it normal for moods to change so much?

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One day you wake up fine, all seem well. Then the following day feels like all h**l has broke lose. Why do moods change so often for no reason?




  1. Yes that is completely normal.

    Are you under a great deal of stress? Sometimes the emotional load you carry can affect your mood.

  2. Moods can change for various reasons.

    Foods can effect your mind and energy levels.  Hormones fluctuate.  Life experiences can come into play too.  And age has an effect.  

    There are also mental disorders that express themselves by mood swings.  

    If this is a constant state, then go to your doc and talk about it.  

  3. we are only human moods are like the weather have more fronts than the worst storm ever.

    i think it comes down to how good your sleep was?

  4. Yes, that is perfectly normal

  5. Yea that's normal. Especially for teenagers because of all the hormones.

  6. Such is the way of life and could try to live in the moment...that way you won't expect so much from the future, and only live in the present...take each day at a time...I am down to taking each minute at a time....I was given a second chance at life 2 years ago and even though my situation may seem unfortunate now to some, I am very thankful....and appreciative of all nuances of life..believe me when I tell you...almost losing your life makes you not care so much about the h**l breaking loose.....and you develop ways to ride those times out...seeing better times along the way....Peace..

  7. It is normal for moods to be up and down.  We all have days when we think "why do i bother".  It is when these extremes of mood become severe that is when there could be a problem.  For example getting aggressive and into a "mood" very suddently for no apparent reason.  It can be caused by environemtnal issues or maybe hormone related.  

  8. That is a clear and cut sign that you are finicky and an unlicensed medical practitioner  would encourage you to schedule an appointment soon as possible.

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